Echo Dot as Dog Monitor


Full Member

One of the useful things I discovered while at the Hollingworth rally last week (thanks very much to Jeff for organising, and everyone for the friendly welcome received) is that you can set up a 'Routine' in Alexa devices so that a notification will be sent to your mobile if it detects (for example) a dog barking.

What makes this really useful is that from the Alexa app on your phone, you can then "Drop In" to your Alexa device (if enabled - something you can do yourself) to hear what's going on, and also talk to them to calm them down.

I already knew that this kind of customisation and a whole lot more was possible, but what I really didn't expect was that it would work even when the Alexa device is connected to a mobile router (ie, with a shared public IP address).

Since then, in most cases that I've listened in all was quiet, so I assume it was just someone walking past, but in one case they were having one of their mad play-fighting sessions, where they sound really aggressive with barred teeth, etc, but they don't mean each other any harm.
Can you tell me what the skill is called?

Just looked on Alexa, searched on dog and there are so many to make barking sounds, jokes etc.
It's not a 'Skill' it's a 'Routine'. Open the Alexa app, tap + in the top-right corner and select Routine from the pop-up then rename it as required.

Under WHEN add an event of Sound Detection with a type of Dog Barking then select the device(s) this should be added to (not sure if you'll be asked this if you only have one device). Tap Next in the top-right corner and set the schedule - I used 00:00 to 23:59, suppressed for 5mins.

Under ALEXA WILL scroll down to Send Push Notification and configure as required.

Tap Save and you should be done.

Just be aware that the microphones in these devices (mine, anyway) are more sensitive than expected, so you could get false triggers from other dogs barking outside.
It's not a 'Skill' it's a 'Routine'. Open the Alexa app, tap + in the top-right corner and select Routine from the pop-up then rename it as required.

Under WHEN add an event of Sound Detection with a type of Dog Barking then select the device(s) this should be added to (not sure if you'll be asked this if you only have one device). Tap Next in the top-right corner and set the schedule - I used 00:00 to 23:59, suppressed for 5mins.

Under ALEXA WILL scroll down to Send Push Notification and configure as required.

Tap Save and you should be done.

Just be aware that the microphones in these devices (mine, anyway) are more sensitive than expected, so you could get false triggers from other dogs barking outside.
Excellent. Will set it up. Barry dog next door but I recognise the bark as it's a yappy little fecker.
Wouldn't have been much use to me at Hollingworth even if I had one as no signal on phone. Same at Whittingham.
Wouldn't have been much use to me at Hollingworth even if I had one as no signal on phone. Same at Whittingham.
OK, depends on the provider and exactly where you parked I guess.

I'm with O2 for mobile broadband and had no issues even when streaming TV. On EE for my phone, and although signal in the club house wasn't great the notifications still got through OK.

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