Free member banner on iPad screen?


Full Member

Although I am a full member I have now started getting an annoying banner at the bottom of my screen on stating that I am a free member and to click here to see the benefits of being a full member. Any idea why?
I am not a number.
The Prisoner,1967 tv programme. Patrick McGoohan. Still don’t understand it.
Marginally more understandable on radio series...only just.
Not sure I’ll worry. There’s so much great stuff on BBC sounds. It might be just me, but I find the pictures to be better on radio 🤓
I got the banner too: followed a message that I had to pay for the next year a LOT more than the original guaranteed low subscription as a first migrator from Wild Camping. Some of us have long memories.
I’ve had the banner and my subscription has apparently expired. ( has a year gone past already?) So, I have paid another years subscription via a special offer email from Motorhomer ltd.
Got the reminder for my renewal a few days ago.
Promptly paid and received the required receipt as promised.

Now getting the mentioned banner frequently although showing as a full member.
I'm assuming it's a glitch in the system and Phil will no doubt sort it.

Oh...and I also had to upload my avatar again because it disappeared.

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