Disabled breakdown

Molly 3

Full Member

Has anyone any experience of breaking down and recovery with a disabled passenger , that could not climb into a high recovery truck ? .
Haha I remember in the old days helping a disabled lady into an AA ford cargo truck ?✋?? not sure who was most embarrassed me or the lady we had a great laugh and she made me a cracking sandwich when I dropped her off in the lake district
A few years ago I binned my FJ1200 big style and ended up with several broken ribs, 2 thumbs and a wrist. Recovery came, picked up the bike and then said climb in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could hardly stand. Sorry mate and off he went. The local biker bobbies arrived, asked, are you ok? I said "I'm not sure" so they rode off. A passing motorist stopped to help me, he phoned Sue, she phoned our son, and I eventually arrived at our local hospital. This was a Friday, the following Monday we were due to drive to our friends place in Spain. The pain in Spain falls mainly on the ???????????????
Some years ago I was stewarding a THS when a lowloader came in with a Hymer on the back. In the Hymer was a lady in a wheelchair. Her husband was in the cab of the lowloader. She said riding that high up gave her an even better view of the countryside.
A few years ago I binned my FJ1200 big style and ended up with several broken ribs, 2 thumbs and a wrist. Recovery came, picked up the bike and then said climb in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could hardly stand. Sorry mate and off he went. The local biker bobbies arrived, asked, are you ok? I said "I'm not sure" so they rode off. A passing motorist stopped to help me, he phoned Sue, she phoned our son, and I eventually arrived at our local hospital. This was a Friday, the following Monday we were due to drive to our friends place in Spain. The pain in Spain falls mainly on the ???????????????
Was this a while ago? I think they have these things called "ambulances" nowadays that can move people to the big sick houses after a road accident.
Was this a while ago? I think they have these things called "ambulances" nowadays that can move people to the big sick houses after a road accident.
Our son was 18 and had just passed his driving test (he's now 42) I suppose that these days I could sue everyone and their parents, but 20 odd years ago and in a slightly dazed condition there's a gap until I was at Thameside hospital. Anyway I was in the passenger seat when our newly qualified driver took us away early on Monday
sounds like you survived and I am sure your son felt good being able to help his dad out (y)

Nearest I got to that was after I came off my ZZR600 and was slightly dazed. Wondered why my left arm was wet. Looked down and saw the blood dripping down and off my fingers :rolleyes: . Rode home and then drove car to doctors (I think?) to get stitched up.
Oddly enough, that would have been the same year you had your prang.

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