Dunbar harbour (bear)

The laird

Rally Organiser

Dunbar harbour (bear)

tonight on Scottish news the architect /artist who done the kelpies has been commissioned to do a polar bear at Dunbar ,I believe using the same method and materials.think Dunbar is on the up as the other night they’re talking about doing a face lift for the town and try to up the local trade for buissness.
good luck to them and I think this structure will be awesome
runnach;n4577 said:
When that man first walked into my workshop, Gordon, I knew he would do well. :Waving_Hand_Sign_Em

I'll google the article, I do wonder why a Polar Bear, I don't see the significance, or the relationship of PB's with Dunbar, apart from the area freezing a couple of week back.

I wish our dead beat lot at Midlothian House had similar entrepreneurship traits as East Lothian Council. I don't know if you walked around to the old battery next to Cromwell harbour, the regeneration at this particular area alone, was for me, very positive. Check oot link.

Yeah pretty cool mate ,on the up?
He’s just done a Leopard for the new development opposite Marischal College in Aberdeen. It was unveiled a few weeks ago and is absolutely fantastic, though much smaller than the Kelpies. However good the sculpture is, however, it nowhere makes up for the mess that Aberdeen City Council has allowed the “Muse” development to become and utterly spoiling the beauty of Marischal College and surrounding area.

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