Source new wing mirror

Hymer Snobs

Full Member

Currently at the Burton Bradstock meet (which is beautiful incidentally) and on route a tractor with an overhanging rotavator wheel ripped my wing mirror off, he didn't stop and my dash cam failed to get any usable images. So does anyone know;
a. where I could source a new mirror at less than the £1700+ quoted by Travelworld!!
b. Less than the up to 8 to 10weeks delivery quoted.
c. Any ideas on a temporary fix to get me from Bridport to Lymington

Anyone at Burton Bradstock in need of a little schadenfreude feel free to come over, we're the Hymer with the SN08 reg in the middle of the field. Good ideas rewarded with wine/beer, silly ideas...there are no silly ideas!

Images show what offside looks like and the nearside is how it should be

Thanks All

Mark & Sophie
No idea for replacement but suspect it is going to be very expensive wherever it’s sourced. As a stop gap could you utilise a towing mirror for when moving or do they still do those stick on mitt ours you could get years ago, stick to side window?
Currently at the Burton Bradstock meet (which is beautiful incidentally) and on route a tractor with an overhanging rotavator wheel ripped my wing mirror off, he didn't stop and my dash cam failed to get any usable images. So does anyone know;
a. where I could source a new mirror at less than the £1700+ quoted by Travelworld!!
b. Less than the up to 8 to 10weeks delivery quoted.
c. Any ideas on a temporary fix to get me from Bridport to Lymington

Anyone at Burton Bradstock in need of a little schadenfreude feel free to come over, we're the Hymer with the SN08 reg in the middle of the field. Good ideas rewarded with wine/beer, silly ideas...there are no silly ideas!

Images show what offside looks like and the nearside is how it should be

Thanks All

Mark & Sophie
HymerSN08sView attachment 63385View attachment 63384View attachment 63383
Check wingmirrorman website
Update: Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions and advice, this is the solution I've come up with so far, it's been OK for 200 yards remains to be seen if it survives a long journey. Top length of threaded rod will be chopped off when I have access to more tools. Thanks again all

Excellent innovative repair. Well done
You could buy some aluminium tubing to slide over the threaded rod. It's what we used to make the temporary fridge door catch/closer, plus some R clips and decorative threaded knobs to tighten the catch up. I also added 4 cup shaped (in 2 pairs to make a globe shape) washers in 2 pairs to take up the slack thread whilst also giving the option to tighten the knobs during the journey. Lasted some 9 weeks and 1400 miles ...IMG_20220421_125631.jpg

This outfit on eBay do loads of original and oem mirrors and covers for coaches, vans and HGV's, some Hymer stuff listed, might be worth an email?

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