These terms may be changed at any time without notice.
If you do not agree with these terms, please do not register or use the Service. Use of the Service constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you wish to close your account, please contact us.
The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts. Content submitted express the views of their author only.
This Service is only available to users who are at least 13 years old. If you are younger than this, please do not register for this Service. If you register for this Service, you represent that you are this age or older.
The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. The information is provided by Motorhomer Ltd and while we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, camping locations, POI, applications, downloads or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.
By subscribing you agree to be sent a weekly forum digest. You may alter the frequency or unsubscribe from this at any time. This can be done from your account settings or from the links at the bottom of the digest email.
In no event will we be liable for any loss, injury or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss, injury or damage, or any loss, injury or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data, goods or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this website.
All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective, but do it in a respectful and non-dismissive manner. You are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle other members. You are expected to obey these rules. Doing otherwise will get your account banned temporarily, or permanently if the situation becomes severe enough (this will be left to the discretion of the moderation team).
All content you submit, upload, or otherwise make available to the Service ("Content") may be reviewed by staff members. All Content you submit or upload may be sent to third-party verification services (including, but not limited to, spam prevention services). Do not submit any Content that you consider to be private or confidential.
We may remove or modify any Content submitted at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice. Requests for Content to be removed or modified will be undertaken only at our discretion. We may terminate your access to all or any part of the Service at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice.
You are granting us a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.
You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.
This is not a website about politics and political posts or links to websites with political posts are not allowed. Posts are allowed about how a political action impacts on motorhomers, but not about the rights or wrongs of the political action or the people controlling it.
Ad Hominem comments/personal attacks towards anyone (dead or alive) - is subject to the message being deleted and action was taken against the user, regardless of how pertinent or thoughtful the rest of the message might be.
You may not use terms or audio/visual materials referring to ethnic/national origin, ideological/religious beliefs, gender, or sexual preference in a demeaning context.
We have no tolerance for discrimination. You are in violation of this rule if the nature of your post discriminates, promotes hate, promotes violence or advocates hatred or discrimination against individuals, groups, races, cultures or organisations because of their ethnic/national origin, skin colour or culture.
Please note that our forums aren’t the place to advertise your own site or forums or sites with similar content to ours. Our staff don’t visit your site and spam it with adverts, so we expect the same courtesy in return. You are welcome to contact the Admin to discuss a link to your site but do so in a private message, not via the forums.
You may not make posts about companies or websites that offer similar services to this website.
If you feel that your posts have been moderated unfairly or if you have been banned, then you can appeal to the Forum Admin.
You may not post complaints on the forum about moderation or bans that affect you or others. If someone has been banned it may not be obvious why as it could be because of posts that have been deleted.
You agree that Motorhomer Ltd may, under certain circumstances and without prior notice, immediately terminate your account and access to the service. Cause for such termination shall include, but not be limited to, (a) breaches or violations of the TOS or other incorporated agreements or guidelines, (b) requests by law enforcement or other government agencies, (c) a request by you (self-initiated account deletions), (d) discontinuance or material modification to the Service (or any part thereof), (e) unexpected technical issues or problems, and (f) extended periods of inactivity. Termination of your account includes (a) removal of access to all offerings within the Service, (b) deletion of your password and all related information, files and content associated with or inside your account (or any part thereof), and (c) barring further use of the Service. Further, you agree that all terminations for cause shall be made in Motorhomer Ltd's sole discretion and that Motorhomer Ltd shall not be liable to you or any third-party for any termination of your account, any associated email address, or access to the Service.
Paid subscriptions allow you access to extra services and areas of the website. Paid Subscriptions are not refundable even if your account is terminated.
The MultiSite offer ended on 1st November 2021. Any member who had a paid Full Member subscription on 31st October 2021 will still keep the legacy MultiSite upgrade. If your paid Full Membership lapses for more than 90 days then this legacy feature will be removed.
1) Anyone attending a rally organised through this forum does so at their own risk.
2) Motorhomer Ltd or anyone organising a rally for Motorhomer Ltd will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage to the property of a member including personal belongings and motor vehicles, however, caused during their attendance at a rally or event.
3) We reserve the right to refuse requests to attend a rally or to exclude members from being able to attend rallies.
4) Anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated. Drunken, aggressive or violent behaviour may lead to an instant membership cancellation and removal from the rally.
5) Do not arrive at the rally before the start of the camp unless you have prior consent to do so.
6) Stewards are on duty from 10 am until 8 pm, except for in emergencies.
7) Arrivals are from 10 am until 8 pm, unless you have prior consent to arrive at a different time.
8) Dogs must be on leads unless being exercised under the close control of their owner.
9) Members who fail to notify us that they are not attending a rally that they have booked may be excluded from attending future rallies.
10) Members who are abusive or rude to the rally team may be excluded from attending future rallies.
11) Members should not play or allow music on their pitch before 10 am or after 11 pm. There should be no noise on the campsite after midnight, this includes sitting in a group talking.
12) We have zero tolerance for illegal drug use. Anyone found using illegal drugs will receive an instant membership cancellation and removal from the rally.
1) Generators should be reasonably quiet and not above 65dBA.
2) If a section of the venue has been allocated for generator users then generators may only be used in the area.
3) In any case, generators should not be used before 10 am or after 6 pm.
4) Generators should be used in a way that causes the least nuisance to other members.
5) The rallies announcement thread will state whether or not generators may be used and the arrangements for their use. If you feel the arrangements don't suit you then please do not attend that particular event.
We do not allow any other fundraising on the website.