2014 Hymer Exsis-i water ingress


Full Member

I bought the vehicle last year second hand in Germany. I did notvexpect it to gave any leaks and of course the dealer assured me there were none. Whilst collecting the vehicle it rained and water came in. That was attributed to the aircon and duly sorted. Every now and then there would be a little water on the floor. Posts spoke about aircon drain vents so I cleaned out those and it seemed OK. Coming back from Spain mid February it was very wet and turning a sharp corner resulted in a waterfall from the oven above the fridge.
Inspection showed water coming in from the oven flue roof seal. This sound be hard to see normally as it is behind a panel. It turns out that the orifice for the flue intersects a join of the hail protection layer. The factory filled the irregularity with a mastic that got hard and over time cracked and let water in. It got progressively worse until the plywood ceiling got soft and the flange retainer loosened, letting even more water in.
I guess it stayed OK for the 3 years of Hymer annual water ingress checks.
I dried it out with a fan heater for 2 weeks and fitted an Al plate to stabilise the ceiling and to keep the flue flange seal tight and filled the gaps with sika522.
My only worry is that moisture might still be in the ceiling down where the roof meets the sidewall. It's an Aluminium channel arrangement and should be OK but experience has shown me how badly Al can corrode if moisture is trapped.
I attached photos of before and after.

Ceiling damage.jpgFlue flange before repair.jpgFlue flange leak.jpgCeiling repaired.jpgFlue flange resealed.jpg
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Yea? Previous owners might have caught it then - if they looked. I only have certs for 3 years.

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