430k Tesla

I had a Nissan Leaf and after I had thought what a wonderful car it was, the first thing I noticed was that it had a different charging plug to the others on the market. Renault, Volkswagen and Nissan all had different plugs. Imagine if your petrol Ford could only be refilled at Shell garages, whereas your neighbour's petrol Vauxhall could only be refilled at Esso stations. AND that these Shell and Esso stations were 100 miles apart.
Having said that, this video is a remarkable advertisement for Teslas. The battery on my Leaf needed renewing after 8000 miles in two years. The battery warranty was void because I had dared to plug it in to recharge it when it was over 80% charged . . . .£5,000 Sir.
You just carry an adapter I think there are only two or three types now, some cars co.e with two different sockets too.
It's like the 1970's when cars had their indicator stalks on different sides of the steering column. And Citroen BXs had rocker switches on the dashboard. Eventually common sense prevailed and these things have been standardised now. Except that Citroen don't do the fabulous suspension that the BX had. I think.

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It's like the 1970's when cars had their indicator stalks on different sides of the steering column. And Citroen BXs had rocker switches on the dashboard. Eventually common sense prevailed and these things have been standardised now. Except that Citroen don't do the fabulous suspension that the BX had. I think.
The BX suspension system was great; until it wasn't ... The leaks from the reservoirs were legendary, and I had to crawl along the A27 just off the Shoreham Flyover in the morning rush hour at about 15mph, with the suspension set to workshop height [so virtually no suspension] to stem the fluid loss. Same problem roughly 12 months later, this time on the less busy Angmering to Worthing dual carriageway, but in the evening. Took evasive action by aiming for the grass verge after a huge fluid loss, but didn't need the [failed] brakes because the undercarriage ploughing through the vegetation stopped me ... Never a dull moment with that car, but it was great when it worked. Bit like the 'happily married for 10 years, not too bad for 50 years since the wedding' gag :ROFLMAO:

Can we stick with the Teslas or at least EVs?

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