@ a CCC THS near North Berwick….

Then down to harbour, and along Marine Drive to the Glen park up area. After the golf club I have never witnessed so many MH’s and campers, at the top of the hill, the parking area was packed out with campers, same at the bottom where the Scottish water building is, one MH was parked in the area reserved for Scottish Water motors to allow motor to reverse down into building. Then at the far end of the parking area was this shyster parked up and awning out, check out the flowers in the basket, also the rocks around the awning skirt, looks like he is setup for a long stay.
Speaking with a local, she said there discussion to install a height barrier to stop high vehicles parking at top of the hill, and boulders at the bottom area, I can’t say I blame ELC for taking these measures.

Is that Scoughal Farm Terry?

If so, we stayed there quite a few times, it's a good spot. The Whippets loved the fact that there were lots of Rabbits around there. In fact we were asked to leave one year. The dogs were laid on the grass outside the van and Jess chewed through her lead and took off across the site. She returned a couple of minutes later carrying a dead Rabbit. Unfortunately she passed a group of children and one of the parents reported her to the Steward (who was a miserable old git, now dead).
Hi Jim, yes we’re at Scougall Farm, dull one getting chucked off due to fog doing what dogs and whippets do, chase and kill rabbits!!

I’m unfortunately parked near to an auld bat moaning at a young lad for cycling up and down the main track in going to fast, FFS , he’s a young lad keeping himself entertained and doing no one any harm. She’s bloody loud too, and, she has a dog that better shut up soon, flipping yip!!
Looks and sounds like you need a drink big man. Just put the blinkers on and turn off to all the crap round you and enjoy the time wae the wee man….Here that sounds like the intro to a Kenny Rodger’s song 😂 They’ll be time enough for moaning when the campings done😜
Looks and sounds like you need a drink big man. Just put the blinkers on and turn off to all the crap round you and enjoy the time wae the wee man….Here that sounds like the intro to a Kenny Rodger’s song 😂 They’ll be time enough for moaning when the campings done😜
As soon as hit the pillow, it was lights oot, then the sandman took over. 💤
GS said at around 18.30, I’m going for a snooze, this is him at around 22.30. Sleep 💤 and he is still in bed 😂
I was there last weekend it was great. They had a cailiegh on the band were amazing really made the night.
There was something going on at the marquee last night Ian, music was playing, with GS out for the count, I sat outside camper reading up on Morocco. 👍
That doesn’t look like a short term set-up. Where are they emptying the waste and what are the implications for having this increasingly overcrowded area declared off limits. I remember when a couple of campers stopped overnight, but it has got silly.
I had a physio appointment yesterday in North Berwick and decided to have a quick shop at Tesco, up next to the Caravan Park on the outskirts towards Tantallon. I counted nine motor homes in the car park for the Playing fields, which is an overnight stop area. Got to Tesco just past this and saw a German campervan tucked discretely in a corner space. One of those Dutch survive anything 4X4 crew cab arctic contraptions with spare wheels and sand tracks etc. also in another corner. Right in the middle of the car park across six bays there is an Autotrail twin axle and opposite an equally large Bailey caravan both taking up a considerable amount of parking. Why do people think that this is acceptable.
Putting me off coming up to Scotland as I could be tarred with the same brush even though we wouldn't dream of stopping over like they are . We are booked into sites but people don't know that & we don't want any bother if we have to stop at Supermarket for bits passing through. 😫
We use to stop there on a Friday and Saturday night on occasions, not stopped since pre covid. It is just too busy and no longer enjoyable being there. Our cassette is more than adequate coping for a couple of night.

I shudder to think where the long stayer empties their cassette, although I could easily hazard a guess.

I noted the steps down to beach got wiped out due to storms earlier this year, if what I was told yesterday is fact, and the area bouldered off, steps will not be replaced?
I had a physio appointment yesterday in North Berwick and decided to have a quick shop at Tesco, up next to the Caravan Park on the outskirts towards Tantallon. I counted nine motor homes in the car park for the Playing fields, which is an overnight stop area. Got to Tesco just past this and saw a German campervan tucked discretely in a corner space. One of those Dutch survive anything 4X4 crew cab arctic contraptions with spare wheels and sand tracks etc. also in another corner. Right in the middle of the car park across six bays there is an Autotrail twin axle and opposite an equally large Bailey caravan both taking up a considerable amount of parking. Why do people think that this is acceptable.
Are you referring to Tesco carpark? We popped in there around 15.00 hrs, no campers of any kind to be seen, maybe they were in the store for a shop?
Putting me off coming up to Scotland as I could be tarred with the same brush even though we wouldn't dream of stopping over like they are . We are booked into sites but people don't know that & we don't want any bother if we have to stop at Supermarket for bits passing through. 😫
you’ll be fine 👍
Yes it was Tesco car park early morning.
With honey spots I mention being full, I can only assume the motors you mention at Tescos had stopped the night as a last option?

At the CCC THS, lots of space spread out, awning out etc, and if one is capable, cycle over to NB, which we did again yesterday by using a safe route through SeaCliff estate, then the cycle route into NB, same area was heaving yesterday. ☹️

Bad connection here, ok, membership required, but @ £7.50 pn, Beautifull beach over the dune, cracking spot, of course only temporary though. THS ceases on the 2nd, which is a pity, as Fringe by The Sea starts then. And some good line up bands are playing at the event.
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Then down to harbour, and along Marine Drive to the Glen park up area. After the golf club I have never witnessed so many MH’s and campers, at the top of the hill, the parking area was packed out with campers, same at the bottom where the Scottish water building is, one MH was parked in the area reserved for Scottish Water motors to allow motor to reverse down into building. Then at the far end of the parking area was this shyster parked up and awning out, check out the flowers in the basket, also the rocks around the awning skirt, looks like he is setup for a long stay.
Speaking with a local, she said there discussion to install a height barrier to stop high vehicles parking at top of the hill, and boulders at the bottom area, I can’t say I blame ELC for taking these measures.

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We noticed this too and have a similar photo with the chairs out. Certainly not a one-nighter!
I had a physio appointment yesterday in North Berwick and decided to have a quick shop at Tesco, up next to the Caravan Park on the outskirts towards Tantallon. I counted nine motor homes in the car park for the Playing fields, which is an overnight stop area. Got to Tesco just past this and saw a German campervan tucked discretely in a corner space. One of those Dutch survive anything 4X4 crew cab arctic contraptions with spare wheels and sand tracks etc. also in another corner. Right in the middle of the car park across six bays there is an Autotrail twin axle and opposite an equally large Bailey caravan both taking up a considerable amount of parking. Why do people think that this is acceptable.

We have an Autotrail 6 wheeler and I have to park across 6 bays when we stop at a supermarket for groceries. I always park it as far away from the store entrance as possible and try to nip in and out as quickly as possible. It's unavoidable if we want to tour and also buy groceries.

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