A free visit to National Trust property of your choice


Full Member

For those who aren't members, the NT has a fee offer on for 2 adults (and up to 4 kids) for a free visit to a number of their properties. Not all properties are included but many are. the free ticket can be used up to 30th November.

I thought it might be of interest to some of you folks.
For those who aren't members, the NT has a fee offer on for a free visit to a number of their properties.
I thought it might be of interest to some of you folks.
But seems like they've stopped Motorhomes from staying over night on all their propertys Now I thought they where allowing overnight on selected propertys got our free ticket now shan't be using it
Lock the main gates here at night on them all, stopping vandals and steamed up window brigade. 😍
For those who aren't members, the NT has a fee offer on for 2 adults (and up to 4 kids) for a free visit to a number of their properties. Not all properties are included but many are. the free ticket can be used up to 30th November.

I thought it might be of interest to some of you folks.
Thank you 👍
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The free visits are not valid at places that are cared for by National Trust for Scotland.
If you snooze you lose! :)

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