Advice/knowledge on Dethleffs Advantage 2002


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Advice/knowledge on Dethleffs Advantage 2002


we were wondering if anyone could give us their thoughts or knowledge on this.......we have just got our motorhome back today after some damage repair. We went through our insurance who arranged the repairs etc. It was with the garage three months waiting for a window to be ‘built’ by the manufacturer. When we picked it up today the new window is a different colour. It’s grey tinted and all our other windows are brown tinted. When we complained they have said that’s all that’s available from the manufacturer now. To cut a long story short they tried to claim they must have had grey windows when new and the brown windows are weather bleached due to the age of the motorhome! Or that’s the best that can be done.

i won’t go into the details but we were never consulted during the repairs in fact they never rang us once I had to do all the ringing etc. So to say we are not happy is an understatement. To add insult to injury I think the insurance is siding with them although they have promised to investigate.

So finally my question is.......were the original windows grey? Could the weather bleach ALL the windows to the exact shade of brown tint from grey? Has anyone had any similar experiences. I believe our motorhome will have depreciated considerably due to this as it is clear they are different colours.

Any thoughts welcome.

I can't help with the specific question but have a couple of thoughts. Firstly, have you got any photos of the van at different times since you bought it that might might show if the colour has changed? (Depends how long you've had it, of course.) Also, how about contacting Dethleffs themselves?

To be honest, I'd be as suspicious as you. I can't believe that the colour would change that much over the years and especially not so uniformly. When I open my windows, the inner edge that's always tight against the van is the same colour tone as the rest of the window, albeit pristine and shiny! I also don't see how something can fade from grey to brown... the latter having more pigmentation rather than less and a completely different tone, don't you think? I suspect they've ordered (or settled for) the wrong thing and just don't want to own up. The bit about grey being the only colour available from the manufacturer now could be true I guess. My Heki, the blind toppers and plug sockets are all very cream in colour, whereas all the newer ones are almost white and that has nothing to do with age.

Good luck getting a definitive answer.
I must say I do sympathise with you on the problem you are having and I hope it is sorted properly to your satisfaction without difficulties. On that point may I suggest that you don't stress and fret over this as you know its not good for health and wellbeing and relationships in general.

I don't own a Dethleffs so have no experience there. My best suggestion would be to search high and low for the same and similar models and go visit and take good photos to show window colours for the reasons you state. I personally don't know if tinted windows change their basic colour due to weathering but you may be able to track down someone online who can tell you definitively if they do or not also. You don't say if the windows are plastic or glass and whether single or double glazed but I don't know if that even makes a difference-but you should know that for your endeavours.

I take it that the garage used for the repairs is a bona fide motorhome and/or parts outlet-if not, that may help your case.

Motorhome builders don't generally make windows. There are a number of specific companies who make windows for motorhomes and/or fit windows to surrounds/fittings etc. There will be some manufacture markings on all your windows. Is the new one made by the same company as the old ones?

How many windows in total are fitted to your vehicle? Is it possible that the current repair is not up to the minimum required standard and that if need be the rest of the windows need changing too so they all match. I find it difficult to believe that a manufacturer would take three months to build one new window-plainly a ridiculous statement whoever made it!

Look more into the detail of who did what if you can and show the process to be flawed in many ways as it undoubtedly is and tell your insurance company you do not accept the repair explaining all your reasons.

Don't forget there is an ombudsman available as a last resort too if you get nowhere and good luck in your efforts.
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As said above about old photos and even if van had a previous owner think You could track them down through you’re vans paperwork and he would have photos I know I have photos of all the vans I’ve owned and if was asked for a copy from someone with you’re situation I would gladly help out. The Dethleff uk owners club are useless with this kind stuff any time I’ve needed good advice and a quick parts service I’ve used a company in Ireland cara motorhomes very good service. You might even try looking for one from a van that’s being broke for spares there’s a couple of companies that specialise in that kind off stuff hope you get sorted
Do you mean that the van is now 16 years old ?
If the van is that old I would be grateful to find any part for it as most manufacturers do not support their products for more than 10 years .
Dont think a different colour window will really make a lot of difference to the resale value.
Talking to a Hymer dealer the other day he said Hymer only supports their vans for 10 years.
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Thanks guys. We are not stressing about it and have no intentions to sell any time in the next few years.

I just get frustrated when dealing with insurance companies and some workmen. (This was a general body shop. Not a motorhome specialist chosen by our insurers. Not us) our whole experience has been poor in this matter. We were no expecting miracles just good old customer care, consideration and respect instead of being treated like a couple of idiots who have no idea what we are talking about.

Another lesson in life I guess.

Cheers julie
There is a motorhome/caravan breaker in Wales. Maybe you could get a window there. I don't know the company name but somebody will.

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