All Change Again


Full Member

This is not to do with the politics [in all senses], just the irony of the last few days ...

6 days ago, Wendy Morton resigned as Government Chief Whip after the Fracking Vote which turned into a Freaking Fiasco in the late evening; then Downing St advised Political Correspondents some 3 hours later that she had 'unresigned'. At lunchtime today, she was sacked as part of the reshuffle ...

I suspect that Ms Morton has had better weeks ... :rolleyes:

Possibly explains why some body fluid is white, and another is yellow; useful when you don't know whether you're coming or going ... :D

See how the mighty have fallen !
It's somewhat disconcerting, to wake up to find the Prime Minister is younger than your youngest offspring 😳
(And for some on here, grandchildren..)
This is not to do with the politics [in all senses], just the irony of the last few days ...

6 days ago, Wendy Morton resigned as Government Chief Whip after the Fracking Vote which turned into a Freaking Fiasco in the late evening; then Downing St advised Political Correspondents some 3 hours later that she had 'unresigned'. At lunchtime today, she was sacked as part of the reshuffle ...

I suspect that Ms Morton has had better weeks ... :rolleyes:

Possibly explains why some body fluid is white, and another is yellow; useful when you don't know whether you're coming or going ... :D

Not forgetting Brown so you know you've been, suggestions wanted for Red.
That explains why she can't sit quietly and still, during PMQs ?
You should be on stage Steve, you know the rest :D :D :D
You should be on stage Steve, you know the rest :D :D :D
True, Kev, but I lost my broom ... There is a history of theatrical and TV acting/directing in the family, but those talents passed me by. My claim to fame [or oblivion] is limited to making financial broadcasts on Beacon Radio when it was on FM 303 in 1982/83, 2 interviews on Radio 4, and a STV interview on the 6pm News in 2008. As a Motorbike Club colleague said at the Club Meeting the following evening,'Was that you on the News last night/ You looked bloody terrified, especially at the last question ...' Had to explain that I had been told that the Newscaster would ask 3 questions, so when he lobbed in a 4th, I was grateful for the tensile strength of my bike clips :D

Oooh, you're a caleb, Steve.
Can I have your autograph?
And bank details ?
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Oooh, you're a caleb, Steve.
Can I have your autograph?
And bank details ?
'Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking, no and no ...' :D Might reconsider on the Bank details if you're going to pay money in, as long as it's not via a long lost, previously undiscovered Nigerian uncle who will also send me a bonus of 1 year's free Viagra (y)


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