Awning carpet


Full Member

Has one got one or Had. One Just wanted to know if there ok just on the grass or if they needs some sort of under sheet

No, they don't need an undersheet. If you put an ordinary groundsheet underneath then it would completely negate the fact that it is made from tightly woven eco-friendly material that will prevent grass from being damaged.
Many thanks for the reply.
Mine arrived yesterday. It’s an open weave and is waterproof and very well made .
Yes we can see there’s plenty of air that can get through the carpet to the grass.

Much better than the rough grey mat we have now.
All awning carpets will damage the grass if they are left down for a few days. It is nothing to do with being breathable. They simply block the light which damages the green chlorophyl carrying chloroplasts in the grass. That removes the magnesium content from the chloroplast....and the grass turns yellow. The process is reversible over time as the grass recovers.
(Breathable groundsheets do allow moisture to evaporate so you don't get accumulation of water from the transpiration of the leaves, but the chloroplasts will still be damaged)
All awning carpets will damage the grass if they are left down for a few days. It is nothing to do with being breathable. They simply block the light which damages the green chlorophyl carrying chloroplasts in the grass. That removes the magnesium content from the chloroplast....and the grass turns yellow. The process is reversible over time as the grass recovers.
(Breathable groundsheets do allow moisture to evaporate so you don't get accumulation of water from the transpiration of the leaves, but the chloroplasts will still be damaged)
Dont you just love sience. 😂