black waste


black waste

how do you dispose of ths when wildcamping out of season ?
We always try to find a manhole but do always carry a small shovel , will use quiet out of the way public toilets either very early or very late if desperate.
we could pump it from the rv that was fun and you had to dig a good hole for 50 gallons of shite , but it didn't need emptying for a fortnight.
Robmac;n1523 said:
Bit harsh Harrow!

Maybe use a campsites waste disposal point, but not on the campsite!

delete on and replace it with at

People will be saying tip it in pub toilets next !

Be sure it is not a public toilet with biological composting as the chemical will wreck it.
Possibly at the end of Downing St. may be in keeping with the contents?
I have a spare cassette in case of difficulty in emptying somewhere suitable, a shovel just in case if somewhere suitable doesn't materialise - so far no such worry. I will empty in public toilets, even where it says not to, as I have a SOG system and am chemical free.
Personally we have only ever used campsites facilities (CL's usually) or public toilets if they are suitable. I would NEVER dig a hole or tip out into sea/river etc even if using non-chemicals, yeuk!!!

camping and Caravan Club sites allow you to service your van for around £7 I think if you are near an open one out of season...

Good Luck

k ;)
In some US National Parks backpackers have to bring it back out with them. I would suggest: use a campsite, take it home, use a public toilet but only if you use organic or no toilet fluid. The least acceptable solution is to bury it, particularly if you've used non-organic fluid, and it comprises several days' and several person's worth of matter. Remember human faeces can contain traces of medications if you take any, and pathogens, which can leach into watercourses and may damage wildlife.
Ooh I love a black waste thread because my black waste goes in with the dogs black waste as I have a no sh!tting in my toilet policy I'm still in the sh!t in a biodegradable bag gang and it then goes in dog poo bins or I burn it and my toilet only has pee in it with no nasty chemicals just a bottle of cheap cola making my black waste only yellow waste and can be DiSCRETELY poured in the hedgerow down a storm drain or some other appropriate nplace.
just dump mine at home there is never much in it must remember not to pee in hedge or we will have dosedup druggy frogs
We normally only do a couple of days, so empty at home. Any longer and it's campsite or public toilets, leaving it clean of course!
Ahem, this is a delicate subject but one that we all have to deal with. As motorhomers I am of the opinion that we have to be absolutely squeaky clean when disposing of human waste. I honestly don’t think we should be putting our waste anywhere except where it’s intended to be.
Abermonian;n27297 said:

The hedgerows are thriving, but a tad wobbly...hic..

Do funny ? ?????? ?
Abermonian;n27297 said:

The hedgerows are thriving, but a tad wobbly...hic..

You are invited to our meeting if you fancy this weekend hedgerows ,trees and toilets available
The laird;n27331 said:
You are invited to our meeting if you fancy this weekend hedgerows ,trees and toilets available

Unfortunately Abermonian no longer has a van due to his age and mental stability, shame really as he would be such fun and a great asset to the meets. ??
:Smiling_Face_with_TSo sorry to read this ,by the way phil is awake ,I phoned him :Grinmacing_Face_Emo

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