Caravan & Motorhome Club Membership - What a Total Joke!


Full Member

As Jasper Carrott says about 1/2 way through his monologues of woe and misfortune, 'Yes, I know NOW ...'

I was foolish enough to insure with CAMC a week or so before my policy expired, and the new cover came with 1 year's free CAMC Membership, which has proven to be totally worthless and ridled with apathy and ineptitude

The CAMC Membership required me to log on to my CAMC Account to access my insurance documents, but I could not do so, because my email account had already been used! CAMC cannot reconcile the [already used] email address with the existing Password, and I cannot create a new account/new password because I cannot log on ... Because I cannot log on, I cannot access my insurance documents ...

So, I sent an email to Emily Parsons at CAMC Membership, who had emailed me to confess her complete excitement at my decision to rrejoin CAMC, thinking that, when she had calmed down, she would liaise with CAMC IT Section and resolve my problem. How naive am I? She ignored my email, and the follow up, and the follow up to that, in which I asked that a Formal Complaint be raised at the total failure to set up my CAMC Membership correctly, and the knock on effect of being unable to obtain my Motorhom Insurance documents. I managed to get a bare 'Insurance details Policy Number' direct from Devitts Insurance, ONLY because the 4th person I spoke to at Devitts displayed some initiative and used his personal email account to send insurance details, rather than using the CAMC Portal which I cannot access because of the problems with my CAMC Membership ...

I have sent a blistering email this morning indicating that CAMC has no interest in its Membership function once the money is in the Bank [and the 'free' Membership is nonsense, it is priced into the insurance premium, even if the CAMC First Year Commission is not quite enough to cover the cost], and is spectacularly inept and apathetic in equal measure. I also asked whether the CAMC Membership Manager was Job Sharing with the Zimbabwe Justice Minister, since neither job seems to exist ... Drpping in sarcasm, but justified in view of the complete failure to reply to my emails and 4 phone calls [the latter focused initially on the lack of Insurance documents]

So, be warned, and avoid CAMC like the plague. The organisation is arrogant beyond belief, utterly complacent, and its staff cannot be arsed to respond to emails poiting out problems and asking for assistance to rectify them. I have told them this morning that I shall not be renewing my membership for 2025/26 [9 days after rejoining this year], and I shall certainly not be renewing my insurance with them, even if I have to pay a higher premium elsewhere. A cheaper premium that comes with a total lack of customer service/support is, like a verbal contract, not worth the paper it's written on, as Samuel Goldwyn said ...

so you are suggesting it is not worth checking their insurance prices?
The price is not the issue, David; it's the complete lack of contact to the problems their ineptitude have caused. I could have gone with an decent-sized Independent Insurance Broker [for about £20 more], but I erred on the side of caution by going for the betterknown name. My mistake ...

I wouldn't trust CAMC further than I could throw them. Anyone can make a mistake, but to ignore completely the request for rectification is breathtakingly arrogant, and non-existent customer service

Think he needs a few hours to calm down .
Have to say I don't think I've ever read anything positive about CAMC
Perfectly calm, thanks, but very annoyed that I could have been pulled over by the Police/Gendarmes during the journey and would not have been able to produce insurance documents. And once the Police have you on the back foot, they can probe for other problems, which at the very least, is going to delay the time until one can get back on the road

I have a pair of chancers/liars as upstairs neighbours and I would be mortified to be placed in the same category as them ...

Our friends booked a campsite abroad through the CAMC at around £40 per night (I know, but bear with me). They arrived a day early and asked if there was any chance they could book in. "Certainly" said the receptionist. "That'll be €20 please". They queried it with the club and got fobbed off with an excuse that £40 was what the club would have been charged. Yeah, right ...
Think he needs a few hours to calm down .
Have to say I don't think I've ever read anything positive about CAMC
it is strange isn't it....
There are two primary camping organisations in the UK.
1) The CAMC seem to have nothing but negative things said about them. Never been a member but that is because when I attempted to join a few years ago, their attitude (through the website and forms) was so unwelcoming I gave up and never tried again.

2) The C&CC appear to be the polar opposite and my own (fairly limited) experience of being a member for around 6 years has actually been positive always - and even when something didn't go to plan (usually a waterlogged pitch resulting in cancellation), communications were always timely and acceptable.

And the fact that the C&CC are also invariably better value for my own requirements is the icing on the cake.
I've insured through CAMC for most of the last 40 years.Always found them competitive. Always been able to speak to someone. I have always with just one years exception been able
to get a better price with them .

I have only had to make windscreen claims with the motorhome. Unfortunately we had to claim on the travel insurance several years ago. The service was exeptional.
I've insured through CAMC for most of the last 40 years.Always found them competitive. Always been able to speak to someone. I have always with just one years exception been able
to get a better price with them .

I have only had to make windscreen claims with the motorhome. Unfortunately we had to claim on the travel insurance several years ago. The service was exeptional.
That was the kind of treatment/reaction I expected from the Club, rather the 'Rubber Ear'/complete radio silence/no reaction

Agree with those decrying the attitude of CAMC. I try and avoid staying on their overpriced sites but, some years ago we did book on to one in the Scottish borders on our way north to Inverness. The arrival time on their booking form had defaulted to noon, which I didn't notice and we were in the wilds with no phone signal. When we arrived, just after 4 the first words of the warden were 'You're late. Don't you know the Newcastle ferry is coming in and we didn't know whether to let your pitch' Considering I had booked and paid for the night I felt not a little miffed.
Thank you, you've just reminded me to cancel the DD for my membership which is due next month. Been meaning to cancel it for a few years but keep forgetting.