Changes to EU pet travel on the Horizon


Full Member

Various changes to EU pet travel legislation are on the horizon.

On 21 April 2026 EU Regulation 2016/429 will come into force regarding the non-commercial movement of pet animals. This will replace the current EU Regulation 576/2013, which includes a derogation (Article 27) permitting pets to enter the EU from third countries using a Pet Passport instead of an Animal Health Certificate.

However, since Br*x*t it has become increasingly apparent that the EU is not exactly thrilled about Brits obtaining and using Pet Passports in this way. Americans, Canadians, etc have been making use of the Article 27 derogation for years, but it was only when Brits started doing the same that any EU eyebrows (or possibly hackles) were raised. Their two contact centres, Europe Direct and Your Europe, have both been trying to deter Brits from using EU Pet Passports by pushing their own preferred interpretation of EU 576/2013, rather than the way it has been interpreted and implemented ever since it was introduced. Last November a new phrase appeared on the Your Europe 'Travelling with pets' webpage: 'The European pet passport (for dogs, cats and ferrets) is only issued to pet owners who are resident in the EU'. Legally, this is currently not the case but it may give an indication of the EU's intention for the new regulation.