Ducato seats


Full Member

The drivers seat in Demi is getting tatty. And as it’s the only one that gets used, it would be great if I could swap, just the seat squabs over.
I’ve had it suggested that I have them both recovered. To do that, I’ve still got to strip the seats down.

Anyone done anything like this?

I know I’ve asked this before.I’m hoping a fresh pair of eyes might see this. Myopic readers are also welcome to respond 😬
Without looking I would have thought it not too difficult but you have looked, did you look on YouTube as was suggested I think?
Is this a coach built, a PVC or a selfbuild?
The last time I tried to help and you were a bit off with me, I try again and the same result, whatever your problem is I'll not bother you again.
The last time I tried to help and you were a bit off with me, I try again and the same result, whatev
Thank you for your interest. Ideally I’m looking for someone who attends meets.

The drivers seat in Demi is getting tatty. And as it’s the only one that gets used, it would be great if I could swap, just the seat squabs over.
I’ve had it suggested that I have them both recovered. To do that, I’ve still got to strip the seats down.

Anyone done anything like this?

I know I’ve asked this before.I’m hoping a fresh pair of eyes might see this. Myopic readers are also welcome to respond 😬
Would you like me to have a look at Hereford Del
Fill yer boots Dave😬
Do you have armrests? If so is there one or two on each seat?

Do you have armrests? If so is there one or two on each seat?

Forget that question, I've just looked at mine and the reclining knobs render my idea null and void :mad:

Very well done Jeff.
The only difference between me and you is, …….
You’re a clever bar steward.
Me, I’m verging on useless. No that’s wrong. I’ve gone over the verge

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