European Vehicle Rescue Services


Full Member

Just started looking into vehicle rescue cover for my trip to Eire in April.

We've currently got Green Flag (MayDay) cover just for the UK (have had for 9 years, used twice, brilliant both times).

However, I cancelled our C&MC membership a while back as we just never used it. 🤷‍♀️

Looks like I may have to rejoin as I think their cover for Europe is via Red Pennant and you need to be a club member to be eligible for this EU rescue service?

Any advice or recommendations on EU vehicle rescue options from the well-travelled amongst you would be very welcome right now! 🙏 :)
Try contacting your insurance provider and see if there is a policy you can add on, i did mine that way but that was at the start of the policy.
I get mine through my insurance provider, but have you ruled out Green Flag European cover?

No, I haven't - but I've just these last 5 mins been looking at their website about this! 🙂

It would appear that you can't alter any currently active Mayday (caravan club) Green Flag cover to include European once it's been set up. Would explain why the hooman bean I spoke to this morning at Green Flag (a very pleasant Scot!) said to look at Red Pennant, which is a separate service via the Caravan Club for Europe. Appears no current means of cancelling and taking out a replacement cover, or altering the existing UK only "Mayday" Green Flag service?

I think that means paying full price for the European service as a separate and "new" year-long recovery service - nothing to to with the Caravan Club! 🤷‍♀️ 😠

If needs must I'll bite the bullet and take out a totally separate EU Green Flag nearer the travel date... but I'm still scratching my head and looking around...

Also digging out the AIB insurance docs for the camper to see what's on offer there.... I have a vague recollection it covered various bits and bobs for trips to Europe...🤞

NOTE: just seen @Tezza33 post above! That would seem to rule out Green Flag, but I'll keep looking. :(🤷‍♀️
Just started looking into vehicle rescue cover for my trip to Eire in April.

We've currently got Green Flag (MayDay) cover just for the UK (have had for 9 years, used twice, brilliant both times).

However, I cancelled our C&MC membership a while back as we just never used it. 🤷‍♀️

Looks like I may have to rejoin as I think their cover for Europe is via Red Pennant and you need to be a club member to be eligible for this EU rescue service?

Any advice or recommendations on EU vehicle rescue options from the well-travelled amongst you would be very welcome right now! 🙏 :)
Get Trevs number, I'm sure he would come out and do some maintenance for you if needed.
Britannia rescue Marie, backed by L&V covers you and partner in any vehicle up to 7.5t just over £110 inc EU cover.
Could you open a Nationwide FlexPlus account? That provides EU cover for MHs upto 8m/7.5T with no limit on age. There are other packaged insurances including health for £18pm. You need to pay in a certain amount every month (£1000?) and have 2 active Direct Debits I think.
There was an offer of £150 for changing from an existing current account.
Could you open a Nationwide FlexPlus account? That provides EU cover for MHs upto 8m/7.5T with no limit on age. There are other packaged insurances including health for £18pm. You need to pay in a certain amount every month (£1000?) and have 2 active Direct Debits I think.
There was an offer of £150 for changing from an existing current account.
We don't pay that much in every month, they never said we had to!
Have you tried LV Breakdown insurance? We use these for the van and all our cars. We also have personal cover with them. (A bit overkill I know). I am a boundless member and get a good discount. I believe their UK cover also includes Eire. We have European cover on the van and one of our cars (not needed on the other one).
Have you tried LV Breakdown insurance? We use these for the van and all our cars. We also have personal cover with them. (A bit overkill I know). I am a boundless member and get a good discount. I believe their UK cover also includes Eire. We have European cover on the van and one of our cars (not needed on the other one).
That is who I always recommend, Britannia Rescue, it covers both of us in ANY vehicle up to 7.5t inc EU.

I know cand mc get knocked most of which we agree with. But we do use the green flag and red pennant. Both of which we have found excellent.

Remember the red pennant is vehicle and health insurance. 3 times over the years we have had to use red pennant in Europe and they have been great. The last time in France I got hospitalised they sorted everything, even the translating. They even sent a driver for the Moho. (Much more preferable than it being relayed on the back of recovery vehicles). From our point of view having one contact dealing with the health etc and coordinating the repatriation of the Moho took a lot of the stress out.

However for Ireland it maybe more than you need.
I know cand mc get knocked most of which we agree with. But we do use the green flag and red pennant. Both of which we have found excellent.

Remember the red pennant is vehicle and health insurance. 3 times over the years we have had to use red pennant in Europe and they have been great. The last time in France I got hospitalised they sorted everything, even the translating. They even sent a driver for the Moho. (Much more preferable than it being relayed on the back of recovery vehicles). From our point of view having one contact dealing with the health etc and coordinating the repatriation of the Moho took a lot of the stress out.

However for Ireland it maybe more than you need.
How much does it actually cost?