Favorite music year ?


Rally Organiser

Favorite music year ?

I am just watching TOTP 1979 brings back great memories , What is your favourite year ?
1967. Hendrix had just brought out Purple Haze and I went from a blues fan to a rock fan overnight.
Late seventies early eighties were fab so much happened so many different styles overlapping reggae punk rock. Heavy metal soul just a very diverse time for music
Wully;n12959 said:
Late seventies early eighties were fab so much happened so many different styles overlapping reggae punk rock. Heavy metal soul just a very diverse time for music

I Think I would agree with that. Late 70's and early 80's just seemed such an exciting time in general and not just for music but then (and here is the thing) I guess it depends on which was your growing up years. I was in my teens then and I bet if you ask most people the best years will reflect that. New Wave, Punk and even the New Romantics stuff just seemed edgy and cool. The sound seemed more pure and less produced and synthetic than it does now. Ive been watching old Blondie videos from the Convention Centre gigs in New York from July 79 lately (all on Youtube). Black and white and to me it just captures that sound of that era. Just fantastic. I think we have lost that a bit. Music is never really "raw" Anymore.
For me it again would span April 10 years but would be 1964/5 to 1974/5 as you say these were my growing up years from the age of 10 1964 onwards.

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