First Trip Back



It may be some time yet, who knows, but I’ve been contemplating our first trip when we’re set free. Of course the rules at the time may affect what’s possible such as there may be a limit on distance from home. The virus will still be about, so I think we’ll try and go somewhere remote and quiet and not too far away. If it’s just a 3 or 4 day outing we won’t need water or emptying facilities and should just about get by without any contact with others. Don’t have a clue when it will be, but I‘m certainly looking forwards to it.
The sooner they make their minds up the better.
We are all chomping at the bit, dreaming of where and when and for how long.
I think almost everyone with a van will be on the roads at the same time with the same idea.
Convoys of nomads going in every direction just to get out and about and for a change of scenery.
Good luck everyone, that field can't be to far away now.
It may be some time yet, who knows, but I’ve been contemplating our first trip when we’re set free. Of course the rules at the time may affect what’s possible such as there may be a limit on distance from home. The virus will still be about, so I think we’ll try and go somewhere remote and quiet and not too far away. If it’s just a 3 or 4 day outing we won’t need water or emptying facilities and should just about get by without any contact with others. Don’t have a clue when it will be, but I‘m certainly looking forwards to it.
Yup, just what we have in mind. No doubt as soon as the brakes come off all the CLs will be booked up.
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A 5 day tour down to the Pembrokeshire coast, we would like to be away longer but the Covid lockdown has seen my Mrs. plant loads of seeds in her greenhouse that all need quite regular watering............ damn it !!
Here you are......Get one of these and away you go....
Here you are......Get one of these and away you go....
Dave adapted a watering system to leave in Portugal, a hoselock battery powered timer and a 30m water pipe buried alongside all our new plantings. Drilled holes in the pipe at appropriate intervals . Hoping all our trees survive the Portuguese summer until we manage to get back. Comes on 15 mins daily
We have used a similar system for many years when we go away, for our greenhouse and in outdoor pots and planters ( and a timed sprinkler on our veg patch).
I think you can get timers linked to soil sensors if you are really serious about correct watering.
We haven’t lost any plants yet, but outdoor tomatoes don’t like sprinklers!

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