For camera buffs

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

I got rid of all my cameras as I never seemed to have them with me when I needed one but always had my phone, I have upgraded (as far as I can afford) to the Samsung S10+ edge and it is by far the best phone camera I've had. I found out about this app just now and installed it but I have not had a chance to explore properly it yet.

It's out for Samsung now

Let me know what you think of it please.
Problem is ok for snaps but you cannot throw the background out of focus as a pro would do, or use filters for mood shots etc, bring back the 35 mm.
Know what you mean, Trev. Bought myself a tidy digital, not SLR, when I retired. Trouble is, it has so many settings and ways to achieve the same thing that I feel out of control. Rarely use it now.
I do miss my Minolta 35mm SLR. With one auto exposure mode (aperture priority), manual focus and a couple of long lenses with filters, it was so easy to be in control and creative.
Know what you mean, Trev. Bought myself a tidy digital, not SLR, when I retired. Trouble is, it has so many settings and ways to achieve the same thing that I feel out of control. Rarely use it now.
I do miss my Minolta 35mm SLR. With one auto exposure mode (aperture priority), manual focus and a couple of long lenses with filters, it was so easy to be in control and creative.
I have about 25 slr cams and all the lenses plus goodies, rico pentax etc all with k mount lenses, then digital came along and the value of them dropped through the floor and no one wants them now, so im hanging on to them. :)
Liz came in and said there's a Greenfinch on the feeder, withing seconds I was at the window taking pictures, if I was to use the DSLR I'd still be looking at it.

The feeder is 30+ feet away, and it's a Siskin I think.

I have about 25 slr cams and all the lenses plus goodies, rico pentax etc all with k mount lenses, then digital came along and the value of them dropped through the floor and no one wants them now, so im hanging on to them. :)
I have a 35mm film Canon AE-1 Program [early auto settings but with lots of manual override options, so that you could take more control as your experience developed, following the examples in the PRINTED colour User Manual!], and the dumbed-down Canon T50 35mm SLR with everything auto, or a fully Manual operation mode, where you only discovered how wide of the mark you had been when the film was processed ...

Then bought a Nikon D5300 DSLR about 10 years ago and bought 3-4 nice lenses, but the Huawei P20 Pro Phone/Camera wiped the floor with the Nikon taking photos of the Glaciers in Chile and in Alaska, so the Nikon gathers dust ... :sick:

I took over three thousand pictures on the last trip, I quite often will take two at a time to illuminate any camera shake, most have been deleted now, most of the remainder are in the link I posted in the france trip thread.
I have about 25 slr cams and all the lenses plus goodies, rico pentax etc all with k mount lenses, then digital came along and the value of them dropped through the floor and no one wants them now, so im hanging on to them. :)
Still got my Canon AE1 Trev. I keep meaning to buy a roll of film and use it again but never get round to it. For the few photos I take these days, I use an old Samsung PL201. It is about the size of a fag packet and takes reasonable digital pictures on full automatic.
Liz came in and said there's a Greenfinch on the feeder, withing seconds I was at the window taking pictures, if I was to use the DSLR I'd still be looking at it.

The feeder is 30+ feet away, and it's a Siskin I think.
Pk but the background should be thrown out of focus, but of course speed is king & sometimes you have to grab the 12.jpg
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