Free Speech ??

I have watched that very impressive speech before Pudsey. Over on the wildies I mentioned Aristotle in the Winter Fuel Allowance thread.

He is called by some 'The Father of Democracy' and in a speech around 2,500 years ago he listed the factors that enable tyranny to flourish. If he were alive today and said the same words on Facebook, his post could be taken down and he may even get a knock on his door.
We should note history lest we repeat it.

Wimmin are good at remembering everything ready for the next time we do something normal or try to help them or explain something.

Magic innit.
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We should note history lest we repeat it.

Wimmin are good at remembering everything ready for the next time we do something normal or try to help them or explain something.

Magic innit.
Hard to remember history really. It is written by winners then changed to suit
Yes I heard some such talk by losers.
Not sure how much truth there is in it but heard something this morning said they were going to use AI to modify old films to remove cigarettes. Can’t remember what I heard it on, may have been a YouTube vid or May have been on tv. Not had radio on yet so wasn’t that.

Oh I remember, Was Charlie Veitch on YouTube so May be rubbish lol

Edit: the black lives matters crowd have already gotten history changed Kev lol
I know, it's a mad mad mad world Neil.
Bring it on !
We're both struck down by compilcations from long COVID.
No longer able to breeze around in a motorhome, suffering from accelerated aging .
Mustn't grumble, though.
Did you see the bit on telly about the link or at least the similarity between Long Covid and ME? It was very interesting. The symptoms are said to be very similar and there is a possibility that ME can be brought on by Covid. I remember back in the early 90's when ME was first "discovered". A friend had it and had lots of problems. But the establishment didn't want to acknowledge it existed and there were lots saying it was just "lazyitis!" Clearly not the case as my mate couldn't work effectively and lost his business due to lack of service. Might be worth looking to see if you can find a causal link. Hope you feel better very soon.
Thanks for that.
Totally agree with you.
I retired in 1999 , after living with ME , finally diagnosed in 97, after 10 years of symptoms.
Overworking, overplaying and 1 marathon too many, did for me.
I was asked to mentor newly diagnosed patients..
I said " No".
The specialist said " That's the right answer."
The only true treatment for both conditions, is REST.
It weakens your immune system..
Could be in a worse situation, though.