Free TV licence

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

As I'm 75 in a couple of months, I looked up what I need to do to apply for it and the barstewards have moved the goalpost on that too, albeit a couple of years ago, we get possibly the worst pension in Europe and pay the highest prices for almost everything.

If it weren't for the wonderful weather I'd bugger off abroad :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
As I'm 75 in a couple of months, I looked up what I need to do to apply for it and the barstewards have moved the goalpost on that too, albeit a couple of years ago, we get possibly the worst pension in Europe and pay the highest prices for almost everything.

If it weren't for the wonderful weather I'd bugger off abroad :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
UK Pensions and their European counterparts are vastly different animals and cannot be compared sensibly against each other, Kev. They are a matter of national government competence and so are beyond the competence of the wider EU

When did sense ever matter, we are the gray vote and are ignored in favour of the more easily fooled younger generations.