French Toll Booth free motorways have started


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These are starting on northern France...


"Sanef told The Connexion that it expected to be able to process foreign number plates, but said it was unsure exactly how this would work in terms of sending fines to the homes of UK drivers due to limits on the sharing of driver information since Brexit."

But on this site it says (you may need to sign up for free to read)...

"For motorists with vehicles from non-EU countries, including the UK, he said "Sanef will pass through debt collection agencies in those countries and we will follow their local rules for this."
So I'd be interested to hear when any (UK) folks use this and if they get charged.
These are starting on northern France...


"Sanef told The Connexion that it expected to be able to process foreign number plates, but said it was unsure exactly how this would work in terms of sending fines to the homes of UK drivers due to limits on the sharing of driver information since Brexit."

But on this site it says (you may need to sign up for free to read)...

"For motorists with vehicles from non-EU countries, including the UK, he said "Sanef will pass through debt collection agencies in those countries and we will follow their local rules for this."
So I'd be interested to hear when any (UK) folks use this and if they get charged.
There have been reported cases, Graham, of UK Debt Collection Agencies accessing the DVLA database illegally to trace British drivers who have been fined for foreign traffic offences. It breaches the Data Protection Act

So Sanef et al will need to make their system either App based or prepaid to avoid a repeat of UK law breaking schemes

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