You must remain stationary, which means you can’t directly approach people. You must not position yourself somewhere which obstructs or endangers the public. All buckets and tins must be sealed (with cable ties or stickers) and clearly labelled with the name of the charity. Contrary to popular belief, shaking or rattling your bucket/tin is perfectly legal, if perhaps a little annoying! —
Charity Street Collection Rules - how does it work?
You must ensure that you do not obstruct the public, or cause them any other annoyance or danger. Collectors must stand at least 25 metres apart from each other, and should remain stationary unless part of a procession. Any collecting buckets or tins must be sealed, and should clearly display the name of the charity or fund. You may not shake collecting tins. —
Street Collecting: What Are the Rules?
Poppy sellers from the Royal British Legion have been banned from shaking their collection tins in case they are seen as a 'public menace'. Asking anyone if they want to buy one and even approaching people have also been declared illegal. Instead volunteers have been told they must remain still and silent or face being removed from their stands or prosecuted