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I am sat watching a woman on tv who claims to have had a sexual relationship with a ghost :Ghost_Emoji:whose boyfriend caught them finished with her and she then went on to have sexual relations with other ghosts :Ghost_Emoji: and is hoping to carry a fantom pregnancy to full term and has vowed never to have sex with a human again I don't know how Philip Schofield kept his face straight.
so come on guys tell us your ghostly encounters and do you believe in :Ghost_Emoji:
I'd like to see a bit of ghoul on ghoul action that's for sure! I think I would enter the spirit (of things.)
it was defo a Ghosts the woman looked very intelligent until she started to tell her story then it was just wired.
if she has a phantom pregancy then who ever delvers her spook will have believe in them otherwise they will loose it
oldish hippy;n10477 said:
if she has a phantom pregancy then who ever delvers her spook will have believe in them otherwise they will loose it

You must have watched the program as that's what she said lol so hipster if the Thai bride doesn't work out you can get yourself a sexy spook lol
Think I'll get me a white sheet and pop round her place.:Hungry_Face_Emoji:​​
Well so far not a ghostly encounter from any member lol
Yell no sleep the night if you start telling ghost stories. Annie what’s that behind Ye BOOOOO

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