Having a quiet afternoon….

Anyhooo, Wully was picking up his motor from Wildebus, who has been working his magic on the motor. I thought I had entered the International Space Station, brimming with electronic stuff, so much so, I got a headache 🤕

Lovely looking conversion in progress, I can see the potential. Not too shabby at all.

Wully, I forgot to give you this, was meant for ex windsock, yours if you want, a brand new bog, never been used, ideal where space is a premium!
Terry as I was passing Livingston area on my way home down the M8 I could see puffs of smoke rising off to my right in the direction of Bathgate think it was Fiona summoning Gordon in for his Dinner.
Wully, since Motorola quit Livi, communication has never been the same 😂

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