Hello... again!



Hello... again!

For those I haven't met yet, my name's Jennie and I live in West Sussex.
I've been a member on the WC forum since we first bought the motorhome in 2011. We soon made lots of great friends online and at meets during the first 3 years before Martin died and they've all helped keep me sane, smiling and camping ever since. Looking forward to meeting friends, old and new, here on this fab new forum.
Hello Jennie hope you ok it Christine from w c to
Hello, you don't know me but I am also from WC, third cubicle from the left:b0230::b0221:
Tezza33;n11310 said:
Hello, you don't know me but I am also from WC, third cubicle from the left:b0230::b0221:

Hi, me too, but I'm vacant
Hello again Jennie :b0231:

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