Hobby 750 Control panel fuse


Full Member

Hi All,
Im having a problem fixing the rocker fuse on the control panel above the door on a Hobby 750. This has been forced out and will not reset. Does anyone know if this can be safely removed or how to fix it, the internal 12v spotlights are now all off.
Thanks in advance
Welcome and congrats on joining as a full member, if the rocker trip/ fuse won’t reset it generally means a major fault in the system , if this is for the interior lights it could be a bulb or bulb holder, you best bet is turn detective , disconnect every thing from the circuit until the fuse resets then connect one item at a time and reset the fuse each time for clarity, good luck Sherlock 👍
Thanks Andyjabet, I didnt explain enough, the rocker fuse did not blow it was forced out with a screwdriver and will not go back. How to remove the fuse housing to repair ? If held in place no circuit is made either so some internal damage. Any ideas gratefully received as the whole unit is very difficult to remove, Its a 2000 Hobby 750 control panel and even Hobby in Germany replied that they no longer make parts for such and old vehicle and offer no advice on repair or removal
Thanks Andyjabet, I didnt explain enough, the rocker fuse did not blow it was forced out with a screwdriver and will not go back. How to remove the fuse housing to repair ? If held in place no circuit is made either so some internal damage. Any ideas gratefully received as the whole unit is very difficult to remove, Its a 2000 Hobby 750 control panel and even Hobby in Germany replied that they no longer make parts for such and old vehicle and offer no advice on repair or removal
Hello Sailor! Sorry couldn’t resist it.

I have a 2005 Hobby 750 FML and I am on a very good Facebook group which is just called Hobby Motorhome Enthusiasts I think. Anyhoo, there is a very good bunch of people on there who seem to be able to answer most questions.

I take it the breaker you are having trouble with is on one of the lighting circuits and is fitted above the door where the meters are? I’d guess that if the circuit breaker is goosed you could just remove it altogether and fit a fuse holder in its place. You could then fit one of these instead of a standard fuse. I have the circuit diagram for my van if it’s any use to you.


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