How do I pay a Flyt invoice?


Full Member

I’ve subscribed to Flyt AutoPASS and have the screen thingy to display while up in Norway. They have sent the first invoice to pay for the initial subscription. It’s only 15NOK (about a quid or so) so no real worry.

But how do I pay it? It’s not like doing a simple payment like we do in this country. Help please.
I’ve subscribed to Flyt AutoPASS and have the screen thingy to display while up in Norway. They have sent the first invoice to pay for the initial subscription. It’s only 15NOK (about a quid or so) so no real worry.

But how do I pay it? It’s not like doing a simple payment like we do in this country. Help please.
Young Mr @Saxonburg might be able to offer guidance ... Eric! (y)

OK. They were very much in the ball when I emailed them a question how to register a couple of months ago. I’ve now sent them another to ask how to go about paying them, let’s see what happens tomorrow as we’re off on Tuesday.

as you can see from the attached screenshot there is an App to download to help with it - not available in this country. I’ll check again when I get up there. IMG_8815.png
Have a good holiday Si and Sue, lots of pictures please.
Don't forget the Doggy bags.

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