How to quote more than one post in a reply



How to quote more than one post in a reply

If you've been missing the 'Multi-quote' button, here's how to quote more than one post in your reply...

1. Click the Quote button below the first post you want to quote in your reply. The Quote button will change colour and the quoted post will appear in the 'Write something' box as usual. At the top left of screen, the Post Reply button will also change colour and become Post Reply (1).

2. Find the second post you want to quote (which can be on the same or a different page) and click the Quote button on that post too. It won't automatically appear in the 'Write something' box but the Post Reply button at the top left of screen will now say Post Reply (2)

3. Click on Post Reply (2). Now both quoted posts will magically appear in the 'Write something' box.

4. Type your own response and click the bottom right Post Reply button as usual (or preview first to check it out)

Good luck!



Me too! I didn't work it out until yesterday! :Shyly_Smiling_Face_

By the way, in case anyone's wondering, you can go on to quote more than 2 posts at a time - just click the top left Post Reply (x) button last.

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