I’m not stupid but☹️☹️☹️


Full Member

As on my last posting regarding adding a further solar panel,, I have now received the portable panel rated at 100watts, this afternoon It was nice and sunny, so, I thought I would use my voltage meter to see what the output is so put the panel in full sun.
Upon connecting the meter to the MC4 connectors the voltage shown for around a second was just over 19 volts, it then reduced to just over 0.1v. It would not increase voltage until I removed the positive probe on meter then replacing it.
The panel was in full sun, not connected to my Victron, I cannot understand why this happened, unless the panel if faulty.
Help please😀😀
Was it connected to a battery? Not sure how they work but perhaps have a sensor that it only works if connected to a battery
Not connected to battery or controller.
My understanding of the Solar Panels is when you have Full Sun Voltage ⚡️ produced is around 20 to 25 volts that is then dropped by Solar Controller to acceptable Voltage into the Battery , this Voltage is produced if connected to Battery or not so my guess is a faulty Panel .
I now find that the new multimeter I was using appears to incorrectly read voltage. Or was it me incorrectly reading meter, I was advised to make up test cable fit to the panels MC4 connectors and recheck voltage . This I did this morning in full sun with another meter, bingo 24volts rechecked a while later reading much the same as last.
Conclusion, the heading reads I’m not stupid But, in this case maybe.☹️☹️
When I check smaller solar panels 100watts or so I do a "stall test"
If you meter can read up 10 amps put it in that setting, you often have to move the leads.
With the panel in full sun you should see around 5 amps.
Don't leave you meter connected longer than you have too to take a reading.

When I check smaller solar panels 100watts or so I do a "stall test"
If you meter can read up 10 amps put it in that setting, you often have to move the leads.
With the panel in full sun you should see around 5 amps.
Don't leave you meter connected longer than you have too to take a reading.

Thank you for your input and advice, I will try this whilst away over the weekend.

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