Inflating Tyres


Full Member

Good morning all.
I have just tried to pump up my tyres to pressure but the Asda site could not achieve the 60psi I needed.

Are other petrol stations any better?

Good morning all.
I have just tried to pump up my tyres to pressure but the Asda site could not achieve the 60psi I needed.

Are other petrol stations any better?

Seems the maximum at most of the 'pay to inflate' is 5.5 bar.
Go to a tyre 'shop' they will have more pressure and many offer a free check and complimentary top up.
Weirdly, my 'Beto' brand bicycle track pump tops up the tyres on my van to 80psi quicker than my 12v 'Halfords' inflator (which is only meant for cars) -- and I don't have to wait fifteen minutes between tyres for the pump to cool down! FWIW, I only found out when I tried the track pump in desparation ;)
Probably apocryphal, but I recall being told years ago that they capped the pressure available due to cyclists over inflating tyres and the consequent exploding tyres.

Probably apocryphal, but I recall being told years ago that they capped the pressure available due to cyclists over inflating tyres and the consequent exploding tyres.

Apocryphal about sums it up considering that some road bicycle tyres are designed to be pumped up to 120 psi or more! FWIW, the tyres on my hybrid are max 100 psi and I normally ride with them at 80 to 85 psi...
Probably apocryphal, but I recall being told years ago that they capped the pressure available due to cyclists over inflating tyres and the consequent exploding tyres.

Yes that was the reason we had a chap inflating his scooter spare remember them as seat back rests he spent several days in hospital when he burst his

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