Just reading an 2007 Wogan book

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

20 January 2007
Tony Blair clings to the wreckage. The man who was set to be
Britain's Jack Kennedy, leading us to the sunlit uplands of pros-
perity, law and order, education and NHS, and a country
where everything worked the way it should. And everything is
in the same old mess as it was when the Wunderkind of New
Labour took over. No, it's worse, worse for law and order, for
education, for the elderly, for pensions, for transport and most
of all for the great Labour dream, Nye Bevin's love-child, the

Polly Filla writes:
I was summoned to my GP yesterday: I had ignored a letter
instructing me to come for a routine blood test, so the Practice
Nurse had telephoned me. I explained that I had absolutely
no symptoms, was feeling absolutely fine and didn't have time,
but she wasn't having any of it, so yesterday I turned up. She
apologised and said, I know you don't need this test - but we
have to do it.' When I remarked that it must cost them quite
a lot of money, she said, 'Oh yes, it does - but you see, if we
don't do it, we don't get paid!"

"I was recently referred for a hospital appointment, and lo
and behold I was offered a choice of hospitals in the area. As
if I would know which was the best?

Even better, though, shortly afterwards I was sent a survey
form to complete. The survey, it seems, was commissioned by
the NHS to monitor people's experience' when arranging a
hospital appointment - and my experience will help them
improve their service.

The form wanted to know was I offered a choice?
How didI feel about the process of choosing?
What three things would be important in choosing a hospital?
Obviously someone had overlooked the most important
question: Did they make you better?

Still, isn't it refreshing to know public funds are being spent
on such useful surveys - instead of being frittered away on
patient care.

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