Kampa limpet suction kit


Full Member

Just wondering if anyone has used the kampa limpet suction drive away kit for their awning looks good and saves having to fix a permanent rail to the side of our van my only concern would be how would it cope with high winds which put us off the magnetic type kit's any help greatly appreciated
Don't have a drive away, but we use them to secure/seal our Kampa Rally air Pro sides to the motorhome - they stick really well to the extent I was surprised at their grip. Stick to the windows as well. . Also bought the their hole punch (comes with a spare cutter stamp thingy) so we could fix the limpets where they were required. However, we've broken a few of them, probably through overtightening
Don't have a drive away, but we use them to secure/seal our Kampa Rally air Pro sides to the motorhome - they stick really well to the extent I was surprised at their grip. Stick to the windows as well. . Also bought the their hole punch (comes with a spare cutter stamp thingy) so we could fix the limpets where they were required. However, we've broken a few of them, probably through overtightening
Thanks for the reply sounds like they actually work then will order one and see for myself the kit's are £30 on eBay so not too much to lose if they can't cope with wind
It is important when you fit them that you put pressure on the cap as you screw it down - 3 turns is enough. If you just hold it lightly against van wall and keep turning then the threaded part of the sucker will break off. I give each sucker a quick lick which aids the seal. If you mount them correctly they can withstand a fair battering. Bob
It is important when you fit them that you put pressure on the cap as you screw it down - 3 turns is enough. If you just hold it lightly against van wall and keep turning then the threaded part of the sucker will break off. I give each sucker a quick lick which aids the seal. If you mount them correctly they can withstand a fair battering. Bob
Thanks for the tip I've ordered the kit and we're away on the 17th so will get to try it out
We used them to hold up a skirt to stop the draught and dogs exiting our awning under the van.
Tried the licking, but still constantly reapplying.
*** And the worst is that they’ve left small round marks on the van.

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