Kidney stones, have you had one.

Les Haro

Kidney stones, have you had one.

For the last 4yrs I have avoided Oxalates for obvious reasons and was just wondering how others were getting along with a narrow field of choice for foods.
It could be that the coffee and coca cola that I lived on (both diuretics) actually caused the stone to form and I am not 30% likely to get another.
As onset felled me to the floor in a friends secluded garden whilst I was alone, luckily I had my phone, I want to avoid repeating the event.
I was in tears, a 6mm stone had moved and jammed itself tight.
I can eat healthily but if it wasn't for Patak's Curry Paste etc. it would be boring.
There is nothing wrong with warmed up curry on toast for breakfast though.
For those who don't know an 80gm portion of rhubarb contains 11x the daily recommended dose of oxalates.

I feel your pain I was getting ready to go to a Scottish meet 18mths ago I ended up screeming like a baby then rushed to hospital ended up on morpheme while they sorted me out, there is a theme going on as I too am a great fan of leftover curry for breakfast and I drink coke usually diluted with Vodka though but it was the worst pain ever.
Not had kidney stones but I've had gall stones, never had pain like it. Morphine became my best friend.
I read a lot about diet, but there's so much conflicting info I just try to eat sensibly, not always with success.
gall stones are cholesterol which is another diet, don't need those either.
Les Haro;n11845 said:
Have you altered your diet in anyway?

No I haven't because I have RA which is an autoimmune diseases and am on amune suppressants and an altered diet for that which means no pates, soft cheeses, yogurts anything with live cultures plus lots of other things. Most of which I love lol
Campervanannie;n11822 said:
I feel your pain I was getting ready to go to a Scottish meet 18mths ago I ended up screeming like a baby then rushed to hospital ended up on morpheme while they sorted me out, there is a theme going on as I too am a great fan of leftover curry for breakfast and I drink coke usually diluted with Vodka though but it was the worst pain ever.

I had gallstones Annie a good few years ago and had to get it removed I used to roll around the floor in agony never knew anything like it!! Locum gp came out one night put his hand on my stomach and said it's either kidneys or gallstones!
Its proper pain and no means of escaping it . The first time I was 4 months into chemo and had no working immune system and they couldn't give me anything. I was admitted into hospital and the pain was so, so bad . This went on for hours until eventually it made me violently sick nearly turning me inside out. The violence of it all must have moved the stone and the relief was instant. It then repeated itself 6 weeks later on New Years Day. Now 5 months into chemo and feeling like I just wanted to die anyway it felt like some one was just taking the piss with me. 3 months later and another bout. only this time my system was in slightly better shape and I was given treatment. The stone went shortly after and no more bother since. All this 6 years ago. Time passes quickly but I can remember that like it was yesterday.
No more for me thank you.
Life can be fun at times.
When pain transposes to euphoria and you start to float on waves of pain that's what I don't want again.
Pre-op I was waiting for the consultant with a woman who questioned me on what sort of pain I had so I explained as best I could.
"Now you know what childbirth is like".
If it were up to men the human race would die out due to lack of interest.
If that wasn't bad enough i had to wait 18 weeks supported by codeine and a laxative to ease the codeine constrictions.
Les Haro;n12150 said:
When pain transposes to euphoria and you start to float on waves of pain that's what I don't want again.
Pre-op I was waiting for the consultant with a woman who questioned me on what sort of pain I had so I explained as best I could.
"Now you know what childbirth is like".
If it were up to men the human race would die out due to lack of interest.
If that wasn't bad enough i had to wait 18 weeks supported by codeine and a laxative to ease the codeine constrictions.

Having had the pain from gallstones and childbirth, the gallstones win every time. At least you know with childbirth the pain's going to end.
I spent my later years in the NHS getting rid of those damn things,both in Theatre and with Lithotripsy. Very common in the Chalk and Limestone areas of the country.
You should get your Vitamin D3 level checked and consider taking a high dose of that and also Vitamin K2
.. 6000iu of D3 and 2000iu of K2. Oxalic acid is a lesser cause of them but they are different stones but still in the Kidney or even worse in the urether on the way down and not making it. I could tell the stone patient at first glance, they were WHITE and not very happy.
they say that the majority of people in the uk have low levels of vit D3 due to lack of sunlight........and very few foods contain vit.D.........

if you do take vit d3 supplement, dont forget it is fat soluble,....something else they dont tell you.....

I was told that 75% of kidney stones (4 yrs ago) were oxalate formed and only 25% calcium.
Are your suggestions based on calcium or oxalates?
For those who don't know oxalates are so minimal it takes 2Lt's of urine to get a sample.
I thought the receptionist at the doctors had developed a sense of humour when she handed it over.

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