Kintyre 66 .scotland

They are still roads Annie ! ;)
Yes but they are now on every motorhome/campervan owner or renters to do bucket list with all the bad habits that goes with it overnighting or parking in passing places because they think they are laybyes putting out tables and chairs, emptying there crap 💩 in hedgerows or at the side of locks because they they think it’s ok 🤬 I’ll put my soapbox away for now
Yes but they are now on every motorhome/campervan owner or renters to do bucket list with all the bad habits that goes with it overnighting or parking in passing places because they think they are laybyes putting out tables and chairs, emptying there crap 💩 in hedgerows or at the side of locks because they they think it’s ok 🤬 I’ll put my soapbox away for now
This is what I'm thinking, will I be looked at & classed as 'one of THEM' do they see a Motorhome/Camper & think hey up ???????
Once the tourist board tag an area as a route whatever, this is usually the death kneel for responsible self contained motor camper to visit, glad I did the peninsula pre 2015.
That looks lovely........ but.... do the Scots want us Foreigners from England 🇬🇧
I moved from England to Scotland 25 years ago and have rarely felt less than welcome; and those occasions were often when working as a Housing Officer conducting Anti-Social Behaviour investigations and similar complaints in people's own homes. And the current Scottish Government is on record as saying,'If you choose to live in Scotland, then you are Scottish'. But don't your soapbox, Chris, it'll come in handy for your physiotherapy exercises ...

Probably, unfortunately for the good motorhome/campervan owners we get tarred with the same brush sad but true
Can be quite embarrassing whilst in the M/Home wondering what people think about you not knowing who you are but reading this BAD press about Motorhomers.😒
I've found the location on street view. The white house in the picture is quite recognisable.

IF the 17 motorhomes were blocking the bottle bank, they must have been using a space that wasn't designated as a parking space. There are 21 designated spaces over and above that, and four houses opposite without drives. A fifth house (with a drive) is a B+B.

I'm not defending poor behaviour if there was any, but there's a bit of assumption going on in that article. (a) Overnighting is only implied, we dont know whether this was just in daytime when the photo was taken. (b) The spaces could equally have been taken up by cars in daytime, we all have paid our road tax. In fact on Google street view there's a sheep trailer parked without a vehicle attached. (c) The photo is credited to a well known anti-motorhome group.

The media isn't in business to promote news as much as to sell copy.
