Kitchen storage ideas....


Full Member

Our van build is going OK, have the kitchen worktop/splashbacks installed now and the sink/hob. Surprisingly, we have lots of space behind the sink/hob, and in the corner.

We're not one for plastic tat, or junk out all the time, but think we could improve the aesthetics by having some good and useful permanent storage on the counter (fixed, obviously).

So would be interested to see pics or your "always visible" kitchen storage, and/or tips for good quality suitable storage bits. Maybe for tea/coffee (though wifie has 1001 herbal varieties); ketchup; salt/pepper/herbs etc. I've been focusing on the "build" rather than this level of detail. Ideas and any genius solutions welcome :)

(pics, but clearly sink and overhead cupboards & lighting not visible, just to give idea of space)

The joys of vans, no two are alike!
Have to say - the glass holder is a brilliant use of space and keeps glasses secure! Stem glasses are a pain to store, but that does the job well. Thanks. Does the lid clamp well enough to stop the wobbling and ching'ing into each other all the time?
We considered fixing storage containers to the splashback/counter with Velcro ....Oxo containers looked good. Easy to open, airtight, and can see contents. My brother actually stuck them to the surface but that makes cleaning difficult!!
Picture below of variety available.

Never did it as we ended up with enough cupboard space but still think it would be good option for some.
We have a little corner shelf which holds tea, coffee, two mugs andteaspoon. The magnetic knife rack has been great but need to ensure very strong magnet and we have a cork cover for knives/ scissors when driving. They have never moved case! Dave put a hole in dividing panel and usb charger leads go through it and the tablets etc are stored in pockets the other side.

The containers may be good, but if there was a suitable "holder". Will google.
The magnetic knife strip - great idea - but in true "final destination" style I could imaging a minor prang would see the knife flying through the air and killing me!
My brother installed a full size optic in his motorhome! From a pub he worked in....seemed a bit OTT but filled the wall!

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