laissez faire


Full Member

laissez faire is a french way of life it is a form on non interference or “allow to do “ is a direct translation a good attitude until your trying to get something done !, my daughter & family are in a static in france on the gironde this morning they got up to a flat tyre called the breakdown people on their AA breakdown policy who quickly found a damaged rim on the inside of the wheel they thought since the car is a modern citreon that a replacement would be easy !!, bearing in mind their holiday finishes tomorrow and they have an overnight ferry booked for wed night thursday morning the earliest a citreon wheel can be found in france is thursday an assurance that they will be on the road by thursday lunchtime doesn’t help , their breakdown has furnished a hire car and told them they will reimburse them for accommodation but it’s up to them to find it at the moment the two kids think it’s an adventure, there was an offer of repatriation but the hire car can’t be taken out of the country and britany ferries say no foot passengers on that route , they are hoping to get a credit for that crossing and run up to calais friday we are dog sitting their dog and leaving saturday for our own crossing could get close ?
Can't they get a rim of the same size and P.C.D. it doesn't need to match the others.
two days to get anything sam they really do have the attitude of when i’m ready
What joy, Ken
It's the sort of adventure that - time strapped holiday makers dread.
The AA customer helpline was always very good, on our behalf, 24/24, on the many occasions that we needed them while abroad.

I would suggest that they contact their UK insurance and ask for the French AA contract details, asap. What has the French hire company offered ?

It could be that they'll supply a taxi to get them to the ferry in time.
If you don't ask, the questions, they won't volunteer.
Good luck to all involved
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It's August, Ken and most industry is at the beach, as are local artisans. We have sold our hovel in France, with completion on 9th Sep, but still await delivery of a shower door and a new toilet drainage pipe. Everything should kick back into action on 1 September ...

quick update someone did get their finger out and the new rim arrived today and car now repaired they’ve put their ferry back 24 hrs and have sorted an air b&b for tonight so all systems go