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Just came back from the weekend where I linked up at the mother in laws Friday, sat, sun night. Sometime in the night the mains power failed on the MH, Ducato Sundance on an 08. Checked all the obvious, not sure what to check next. The main AC fuse board and breakers seem to be a sealed unit, and the test button is not operating as it should. We haven't had the van long and rarely link up, this is only the second time and don't remember testing the button before.
Grateful for any ideas.
Just came back from the weekend where I linked up at the mother in laws Friday, sat, sun night. Sometime in the night the mains power failed on the MH, Ducato Sundance on an 08. Checked all the obvious, not sure what to check next. The main AC fuse board and breakers seem to be a sealed unit, and the test button is not operating as it should. We haven't had the van long and rarely link up, this is only the second time and don't remember testing the button before.
Grateful for any ideas.
Where's Les Dawson when you need him? :ROFLMAO:

Jim's (main gate) suggestion is right. It happened to me last year.

In my case it was probably because I'd coiled the hookup lead too tightly in order to store it in a polythene bag.
First, if you have a tester, plug it into the supplying socket to check that there is power there, then one by one check the wire connections inside both ends of your EHU cable as they can erode with time and then one by one check further and further all the way through the system for any break in power.

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