Member signatures now active for Full Members



Member signatures now active for Full Members

I have enabled signatures for full members, but with some restrictions.
  • 100 characters maximum
  • No formatting
  • No images
  • No links
  • No advertising
  • 2 lines Max
All signatures will appear in orange italics so that they are not confused as being part of the post.

You can add your signature on this page:
*****;n4911 said:
Thanks Phil.
One comment and not complaining, but it does look very pale!

I don't really like signatures but I acknowledge that other people do. I want them not to detract from the posts.
As some of you know I have a Youtube Channel of Aires videos and I would have liked to use my signature to 'advertise' them.

But having a Link in my signature is not allowed - so you'll all have to suffer not seeing the Videos (although some who have seen them complained about suffering after watching them!)
Might be worth starting a thread to include them Keith.

Phil might even make it a 'sticky'. It would be a shame to miss them.
The problem with signatures is that they get abused. You can end up with a signature that is full of images, links and useless text. To me, a signature should be short and have no images or links. I am happy for you to start a thread as Rob suggests.
PinkFlowerPetal;n11210 said:
Annie, 'your' should be you're

Eagle eyes lol I have edited it
Last edited:
keithchesterfield;n11183 said:
As some of you know I have a Youtube Channel of Aires videos and I would have liked to use my signature to 'advertise' them.

But having a Link in my signature is not allowed - so you'll all have to suffer not seeing the Videos (although some who have seen them complained about suffering after watching them!)

Perhaps this may help

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