New Victron info


Full Member

I noticed Victron have brought out an new "GUI" on their VRM interface

To compare the main 'dashboard' ....
The current/original one
Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 15-28-12 Monty - VRM Portal.png

and the new "GUI-v2" one

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 15-26-33 Monty - VRM Portal.png

The old one has more info, but the new style does look a lot more modern and 'on-trend' as the YouTube kiddies say. Hopefully it will be a bit customisable in the future as well?
It has promise though :)
I have thought Victron was lagging behind in this respect compared to most of the current displays with system info so guess they are trying to catch up?

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