Orange antifreeze / coolant in 2018 Peugeot Boxer


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Mate has a new Peugeot Boxer and we are fitting the ALDE heat exchanger to it

I have never come across orange antifreeze before Anyone know what Peugeeot are using ?

My mate went to his local Peugeot dealer to buy 3 litres of the stuff so we can top it up after extending the heating pipes down to the heat exchanger

Came to use it only to find the new stuff is purple ( possibly pink) , my mate said the dealership were adamant it was the correct coolant for his engine so in it went

i was concerned ( hence asking on the forum) If anyone can confirm if they are compatible or not basically can they be mixed ?

I haven’t yet had chance to find out the exact specs or brands of the two , after running the engine the colour has changed from bright orange to a muddy sort of colour
Usually Blue or green is normal ethylene gylcol , Red , pink , and orange are usually OAT type
It is recommended that you don't mix the two types .
Having said that Prestone do a anti freeze/boil that is a fluro yellow and can be safely mixed with any other coolant .

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