Our creaking NHS

9 hours and counting in Walsgrave A and E.! Broken thermostat and temp has only just managed to get to 17! Outer doors stuck open a lot of the time so a nice arctic blast keeps awake those tempted to go to sleep because they have been here since yesterday morning at 8.30am!
Yes its high time GP's started seeing people again instead of putting everyone on the hospitals
Yes its high time GP's started seeing people again instead of putting everyone on the hospitals
GP's are not NHS (strictly speaking). I found that out the other week when they started complaining that the Budget change to Businesses paying more Employer National Insurance would affect them. The change only applied to private companies, not public ones.

So if they don't want to see you ------ it's a business decision. :(
GP's are contracted to the NHS though, so yet more government mis management?