Rear Door cards with Storage pockets for Fiat Ducato


Rear Door cards with Storage pockets for Fiat Ducato

I've seen Rear door cards with storage pockets on the Kiravans website ( ) - but they're only for VWs - has anyone found anything similar for the Fiat Ducato??

We're looking at up to 2 years permanent living in our van so I'm still researching better ways to use the total volume that we have available to us.

If necessary I may buy a spare pair of door cards and modify them, but that would need a half-decent garage suite with tools etc, (which I currently don't have access to), and so if they already exist as a product that would be good!
Interesting. Never seen those before.

I’m not full timing so haven’t got the same need perhaps to use every nook and cranny, but I too wanted an efficient storage method. I reckoned that maybe 80-90% of the useful odds and ends were only used very rarely (but nothing else will do when you need them) so they didn’t need to be instantly to hand. I bought some of the most space efficient things I could find: stackable crates. I pack them to the brim, but write a list of what’s in each crate. So I never need to rummage through umpteen crates to find that special thingy.

works for me!

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