Recommend a damp meter to me please


Full Member

Father's Day is coming up and my lad has asked what I'd like....hence the thread.

I'd like one without having to push the prongs in and under 50 quid if possible.

Father's Day is coming up and my lad has asked what I'd like....hence the thread.

I'd like one without having to push the prongs in and under 50 quid if possible.

I got mine she’s ago from Lidl, maybe check their online shop?

I can’t say I have seen any without prongs.
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As far as I am aware they all have prongs the idea is to detract damp below a possible wet layer.
You can always take readings wher the marks if any will not be seen .

Like the areas inside cupboards both high and low levels and under bunks.
Those would be the best locations for damp areas where air movement is poor or non existent
Damp meters with pins are ok for some purposes but will damage motorhome surfaces. The pinless ones emit electromagnetic waves from a pad which trigger return waves that can be read by the meter to report on the moisture content within the material. The pins on the other type need to be pushed firmly right into the material, otherwise they may just be reading surface condensation which isn’t helpful.
Father's Day is coming up and my lad has asked what I'd like....hence the thread.

I'd like one without having to push the prongs in and under 50 quid if possible.

Just do a search on Amazon for pinless moisture meter. Loads of 4+ star review models at £25 and up.
I know that but but was personal recommendations I was after...
It's got different modes for walls; masonry; softwood; and I'll probably check them all on the MH as I'm not sure which would be the best match.