Roof repair tape.


Full Member

Does anyone have experience with this ultra sticky repair tape to put over stress cracks etc in roof?
It's on Ebay etc and theres about 5 or 6 different brands specifically for fibreglass / RV roof repairs.
Can anyone recommend using it and if so what brand should I go for?
Cheers Alistair.
@Wully may be a good one to answer this as he has a roofing company.

I know the tapes are quite popular in the states on RV's, think some of them are covered in at as new.

I haven't used the tapes but have uses Polar Leak Seal to good effect. We also did the fibreglass roof on my mates Luton with it and it sorted that.
I've 2 stress cracks at each rear corner of large skylight which have had previous crappy repairs not by me.
I'm planning to remove all skylights and re seal them in better weather - maybe spring but also I would like to repair the stress cracks permanently while I'm at it.
That one you’re looking at will probably do the job. Just remember to give the surface a good clean with a spirit and maybe key the surface. I find when using these types of materials put it in a polly bag and leave in a bucket of warm hot water for ten minutes makes it easier to work with and seems to adhere better.