Security Devices


Full Member

Hopefully at the 3rd time of asking, we will be moving at the end of April away from our rural location and into a town. As such I am giving some thought to adding some security devices to our motorhome for when it is parked up at our new place.

Could I ask what you have as extra security on your MH? I'm thinking of mechanical devices here like the clutch claw, etc.
Replied to this on Wildcamping.
I have ED LOCKS. There was a discount code somewhere on here.
Can’t fault them, and they come to you.
First off, I always have the front wheels turned towards a wall or kerb with the steering lock engaged. I do this at home or when away.
Second layer is a krooklock PRO for security and visibility.
Third layer is a long hasp padlock which is fed through the cv style joint of the steering column lowdown in the footwell restricting the ability of the steering to be turned. I have further added a length of chain which runs from the padlock to a strong point on the base of the drivers seat.
For longer lay ups I turn the drivers seat 180 degrees and secure it to the steering wheel by a long plastic cover wire bike lock and decent padlock.
Fifth layer is a Strikeback alarm.
Sixth layer is a hidden gps tracker.
Seventh layer is multiple dabs of select DNA supplied by the local crime prevention officer who states that the stickers are the most effective part of that system.
Eighth layer is registration to the cris scheme with lots of vin stickers on windows etc, machine readable at distance by police forces.

To be honest I suspect that burglary is a bigger issue, especially when away, but that is a different topic.

Yea, sounds like overkill, and to be fair I tend to only use the crooklock and steering lock when in France. The alarm, dna, and cris and gps don’t require any action, and the padlocks get used only when at home.

I live in N. Ireland, which despite trevs Wild West stories is probably quieter than much of England. My apparent obsession with security probably stems from spending most of our lives eating sausages, paying 16% mortgage (remember them?) paying for childcare which was pretty much equal to my wife’s salary, and generally just about balancing the books each month with no ‘coffees’, eating out, fancy holidays etc thanks to the cost of raising 3 kids.

So, at the age of 61 we decided to blow the lump sums from retirement on a Motorhome and holiday like mad before decrepitude took over (nearly at that stage already). We bought a Hymer A class which obviously was pretty damned expensive and our first, and probably will be our only Brand new vehicle of any sort. A reward for having been so economically vigilant for 40 plus years. I guess I just recognise the value of money and do my best to get best value and longevity from purchases, security being one aspect.

As I posted earlier, I still think burglary is a bigger possibility with lots of scope for damage to doors and windows. Since we don’t carry many valuables or money, I don’t beef up the security on that side of risk assessment. Our hab door is extremely weak security wise, so I am happy that a burglar could nearly just pull the door open with minimal damage and reap little reward for his efforts. Hopefully the various warning stickers would suggest his efforts would be better served at another location.

We do what we hope is sufficient and appropriate and then get on with enjoying the van.


Are you really sure you want to live in Evesham?

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Fortunately it's not in Evesham itself but just outside and we did check on the Police crime map which seems to be more accurate than the one you linked to and thankfully very little in our (new)area. :) (y)