Shengen 90 day

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We got home from Portugal 9th May after 77 days away so. 77 plus 13 days gives a date of 22 nd May so does that mean our 90 day exclusion wait started on 23 May ,? So we can't go away to Shegan again till near end of August? I tried the calculater thing on here but did not get far with that so worked it out on my fingers, am I right in thinking We have lost the 13 unused days we still had? because our first 90 day window closed, Help Please.
No ! Once you done 90 days back you can go out again on the 91st day for 90 days!
Although we do 85 out and that gives us a buffer if something happens on the way back to the tunnel.
Your 90 days back started on the 10th may
did you know the Schengen members can come here for 180 days thats what a mess it turned out to be for us campers . cheyenne
We got home from Portugal 9th May after 77 days away so. 77 plus 13 days gives a date of 22 nd May so does that mean our 90 day exclusion wait started on 23 May ,? So we can't go away to Shegan again till near end of August? I tried the calculater thing on here but did not get far with that so worked it out on my fingers, am I right in thinking We have lost the 13 unused days we still had? because our first 90 day window closed, Help Please.
I've been playing with the EU Stay Calculator, Trig, and assume that you entered EU on 22nd Feb 2023 to give your leaving EU Day of 9th May 2023 [77 days] as a previous Stay. You can start a new stay on 8th August [any earlier will throw up an overstay calculation], and leave on 30th September 2023 [54 days]

However, the new 180 Days calculation start date is 10th August, but the Calculator will aloow a new Stay from 8th August 2023 until 5th November 2023 to give a Trip of 90 days exactly. The System Calculator concludes with the helpful message: '
Start of 90 days period: 10/08/23
Start of 180 days period: 12/05/23
The stay may be authorised for up to: 0 day(s)
At 04/02/24 a stay may be authorized for 90 days

To get these figures, I selected 'Planning' option and a propsed Date of Entry/Control as 7th Nov 2023

It's the same with the USA, we're limited to 90 days there but they get 180 days here :unsure:

One day this b**** nonsense will be sorted. I’m not holding my breath 🫣
Freedom of movement, my arm.
Other body parts are available.
we as far as i know the the rest of the EU can here for 180 days where we have only 90 days .cheyenne
I think that's same for most countries around the World, most can stay here for 180 days but we can only stay there for 90 days with the exception of Canada and we can stay there for six months visa free 🤔

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