Should we have started doing this a long time ago?

I'm not racist and if they are being persecuted rather than just economic migrants I'd think differently but this is a small island with limited resources, they all pass through places/countries much better able to accommodate them.
Time to return them all, our country is strugling as is without extra burden, sorry but fact.
Tiptoe around the political fringe with this reply, but it is an economic, not political comment. Scottish research before the 2019 General Election showed that these pesky immigrants contributed some £50 per second to the Scottish economy from taxation contributions (dredged from a failing memory - could have been as low as £10 per second)

Tiptoe around the political fringe with this reply, but it is an economic, not political comment. Scottish research before the 2019 General Election showed that these pesky immigrants contributed some £50 per second to the Scottish economy from taxation contributions (dredged from a failing memory - could have been as low as £10 per second)

On the face of it, that looks good Steve, but these will be the ones who came in and did things properly, I don't have the numbers for the illegal ones as they didn't bother to let anyone know they are here, so they are more likely to be a drain on the economy.
On the face of it, that looks good Steve, but these will be the ones who came in and did things properly, I don't have the numbers for the illegal ones as they didn't bother to let anyone know they are here, so they are more likely to be a drain on the economy.
My post was highlight the absurdity of 'send them all back' sentiments, Kev. But, on a connected issue, if we don't want lots of immigrants, UK could make a start by not supporting attacks on the countries of origin; it does rather weaken the objection when the immigrants left their country because UK and other forces reduced the towns and cities to rubble, wiping out most of the employment opportunities [other than for undertakers and site clearance labourers]

Migrants cannot work until the asylum claim is heard. If they were allowed to, maybe that would change things. The previous government held off on application claims, whether to make to situation worse the increase their votes, or just to save money, who knows. But migrants have been used as a political hammer to beat those of a certain age into submission. We have been told they are a drain, maybe, but why are you not all discussing the back handers and downright fraudulent actions by the previous government?

Migrants cannot work until the asylum claim is heard. If they were allowed to, maybe that would change things.
But they do work, for crap wages in hotels and factories etc on the black labour market, or worse get involved with drug manufacture distribution.
But they do work, for crap wages in hotels and factories etc on the black labour market, or worse get involved with drug manufacture distribution.
Ahh, a Daily Fail reader? That is just not true! There is a £20,000 fine per person for allowing a foreign national here without permission to work. It is not as prevalent as the right wing press would have you believe. There are more than enough British drug barons in the UK, I really don't think that A. asylum seekers has the money to start that and B. They would need support to do it.

We are constantly told that migrants are killing this country. That is bull! But if you believe any illegal should be sent back, what about Mo Farrah? He came here illegally. There are plenty of doctors and nurses who came here illegally originally, but without "foreigners", the NHS would collapse. We are an aging population, we need young people to come here. We threw out (effectively) those from Eastern Europe, so now we have to import from the Asian sub continent.

Migrants are not the problem, the right wing press and the government who learned that dividing us suited their needs!
Ahh, a Daily Fail reader? That is just not true! There is a £20,000 fine per person for allowing a foreign national here without permission to work. It is not as prevalent as the right wing press would have you believe. There are more than enough British drug barons in the UK, I really don't think that A. asylum seekers has the money to start that and B. They would need support to do it.

We are constantly told that migrants are killing this country. That is bull! But if you believe any illegal should be sent back, what about Mo Farrah? He came here illegally. There are plenty of doctors and nurses who came here illegally originally, but without "foreigners", the NHS would collapse. We are an aging population, we need young people to come here. We threw out (effectively) those from Eastern Europe, so now we have to import from the Asian sub continent.

Migrants are not the problem, the right wing press and the government who learned that dividing us suited their needs!
You seem to assume too much and appear to know very little, so I'll not go further than what I say below

I don't read any of the papers or watch the news I do have eyes and ears and live in a community with lots of immigrants, as for the £20k fine, and why do they have to have money to start up, the big boys need people, illegal immigrants need money to survive I'm sure you can work it out from there, not everyone follows the rules.
The problem will be eased shortly when this new Government removes them from Hotels and boards them with people who have a spare room. And yes, that is being discussed as an option to save money. Given that the population has risen by a 7 figure number in the past 3 years, we will all have to do our bit.

I can see by the tone of your posts Mr Rumour that you prefer to get your information from the Main Stream Media. Unfortunately they do not always give a full and accurate picture.
But they do work, for crap wages in hotels and factories etc on the black labour market, or worse get involved with drug manufacture distribution.
Yes it’s been confirmed in the car washing and beauty trade so it seems .
the car wash just down the road I got to, if a police car goes by some of them vanish.
the car wash just down the road I got to, if a police car goes by some of them vanish.
Round here it’s like it is closed except for buckets ect littered around the forecourt .
Until a car pulls up then it’s a mad flurry of foam water and bodies.

In and out fast.
I think in the cities and town the fuzz know where they are it's just too much paperwork.
I may be wrong and probably am (as usual ) but shouldn't refugees apply for sanctuary / asylum in the first neutral country they arrive at

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